Chapter 4-

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Jason's POV

I looked up and saw no other but Sophia. I could reconize those beautiful diamond blue eyes anywhere. I could see she dident knew it was me.

"Do you need any help?" She said and smiled politely.

I smiled at her and nodded

"Got into a fight?" She asked raising a brown and I chuckled

"I guess you could say so" I said looking down smiling like a fool

"Oh I'm sorry I forgot to introduce myself,I'm Sophia. And the red head over there is my best friend Jenny" She said

"I'm...Scott" I couldent tell her I was Jason,the Jason who left her when she most needed me,the Jason whose knew her since she was still only 3 the Jason whose acted like ae fool around her just to try to impress her. I knew Sophia too well,if I told her it is me she'll freak out.

"You look familiar Scott" She said with a shy smile and her cheecks slowly turned a rosy red.

A piece of hair fell on here face and I slowly leaned in but I was stopped by Jenny

"Sophia! Get over here they havee these cutes shirts we found on forever 21 half the price! Come here!" Jenny screamed from thee other side of the road as Sophia gave me a apologetic look and a shy smile.

"It was nice meeting you Scott" She as she walked slowly to the other side.

No.! I havent seen her in years I'm not gonna let her go like that,I'm not gonna just let it go again! I left her once that wont happen again.

I took her arm pushing her back to me and kissed her for a long time. I've waited 2 years to feel her soft lips against mine again. I was waiting for her to pull me away and slap me or something,but she diden't. She...dident.

I pulled away and she blushed furiously and walked to the other side of the road. I looked at Jenny with her mouth hung upen but I just walked.

Sophia's POV

Scott. Scott. Scott. Scott. Scott. Scott. Scott. Jason. Scott. Jason. Wait did I say Jason?

That guy...I don't know what it is about him. I just met him but I feel like I've known him for...years. He looked so familiar. He-he kissed me I diden't pull away I just stayed there and let it happen I-I don't know what's going threw me. His name is not Scott,he exitated before saying his name. I don't know him but yet I feel like I do. Maybe New York wasent a good idea. Maybe...maybe I was just tired of missing Jason all the No. I love Jason,I came here for him,he-he he is the bestfriend you could ask for,Jason is so cute and hilarious and amazing,he always conforted me whenever I felt bad,he made me laugh at the toughest times,he knew how to make me smile,a real smile and I can't thank him enough for it.

"Your doing it again." Jenny pointed out

"Doing what?"

"Smiling like a fool at your toughts" She chuckled and we walked inside the store.

"Jason..." I whispered to myself

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