Me Too

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The room glows brightly in the dancing light of the fire that engulfs it. Quick-moving flames lick up the walls and spread towards the ceiling. More flames coat the wood floor, encircling the small room and advancing rapidly. Wallpaper curls and blackens as it burns away. The beautiful sheer drapes hanging on either side of the picture window are quickly devoured by the fire that spares nothing in it's path. Glowing bits of drywall and plaster fall like orange snow from the ceiling.

It feels like Hell, actual, literal, biblical Hell. Thick black smoke gathers overhead, choking the air. Tiny cinders drift through the open space and immediately set ablaze everything they touch, winking and shimmering like a million vengeful fairies. It's so loud, much louder than seems possible. Who knew that fire was so loud? The raging monster of flames roars through the night and pounds against my ears, drowning out all other sound.

I try to scream for Jay, but my voice is nearly strangled by the smoke. I'm going to die here if I don't find him. If I don't find Jay or a way out soon, I will die, alone in this burning house, trapped inside this nightmare. Sweat runs heavily down my face, my neck, my back. I can feel it almost pooling at my lower back, soaking through my shirt. I pray the damp cloth will give me some protection from the uncompromising inferno. Please, God, please let me die from smoke inhalation rather than burning to death, please... It's so hot, so hot. My throat feels tight and raw. My chest heaves as I struggle to draw in the last remaining molecules of oxygen.

I can't just stand here and wait to die. I have to do something. I have to. I frantically turn this way and that, too scared to move. I'm running out of breathable air...and time. My heartbeat races against my ribs as panic, fear, and adrenaline chase each other through my veins. Where is Jay? He had been right behind me...right before...

I whirl completely around and dash towards the door we'd come through. The crossbeam at the top of the doorway had collapsed as we ran through. Fire blocks what's left of the doorway, cutting off all hope of escaping through it.

"Jay!" I manage to shout over the deafening roar of the flames. "Jay!"


I nearly collapse in elation. "Oh my God, Jay! Are you okay? Where are you?"

"I'm on the other side of the door!" he yells. His voice is strained and ragged. He coughs hard several times and I can hear him gasping for breath. "The beam fell on my leg."

Kneeling down as close to the fiery barrier as I dare, I look through the blinding flames, desperately searching for a flash of green. I finally see Jay and the smile that breaks across my face is wider than any I have ever had. He's sprawled on his back, holding up his upper body with his elbows braced on the floor. His hair hangs in his eyes, his white face is streaked with ash, and his shirt is singed.

"You gotta help me lift it," he says. "Quick! We don't have much time." Thinking as fast as I can, I yank my sweaty shirt up over my head, wrap it around the end of the still-burning beam, and cradle it in my shaking hands.

"On three," I hear Jay's voice call out. "One...two...three!" I use every single ounce of strength in my body to raise the heavy beam as much as I can. It only lifts a few inches, but that's all we need. Within seconds, Jay stumbles through the doorway and falls into my arms just as I jump to my feet. He throws his arms around me and leans heavily on me.

"Come on, baby," he says, his voice rough and weak. "Let's go home."

"There's no way out, Jay," I tell him. "It's a dead end." I turn to him and suddenly hot tears begin streaming down my face. "Jay...we're going to die here..."

Jay pulls me into a hug so tight it feels like he's crushing me. "No one's dying today," he says firmly. He releases me and takes a step forward, but quickly buckles to his knees with a harsh yell of pain. His leg is badly injured. I help him to stand and he drapes an arm over my shoulders. "Damn..." he sighs. "There goes my soccer career."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2019 ⏰

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