Markhyuck *Angst/Fluff*

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*Mark keeps pushing Haechan away when he's trying to be cute with him and Haechan thinks that Mark hates him/thinks he's annoying* (Side Taeyong x Johnny) 

127 was practicing for their upcoming comeback. They had a water break and Haechan was clinging to Mark as usual. At this point no one thought anything of the little ray of sunshine clinging to the loud Canadian. Mark was just trying to talk to WinWin and Yuta and was trying not to get distracted by Hyuck being so close to his face.

"Hyuck can you please get off, I'm super sweaty and gross" Mark pleaded the boy.

"I don't mind, plus you're comfortable" Hyuck said burying his face into Mark's neck.

WinWin gave Mark a knowing look, since he was the only one Mark told about his feelings for Haechan. 

Mark was trying not to blush and glared at WinWin. Haechan was breathing on Marks neck, giving him goosebumps. Mark had to put an end to this before something...popped up.

"Haechan seriously quit" Mark said. When Haechan didn't move, Mark grabbed his arms and threw them off of him and walked away. 

Haechan just stood there not knowing what to do or say. He looked at Yuta and WinWin who were giving him looks of pity.  

He walked to the corner of the room with his head hung low, trying to keep the tears from running down his face.

"Haechanie are you okay?" Taeyong asked, concerned about his son (Taeyong is a mom and no one can convince me otherwise, also the boys will call him eomma. Fight me.) 

"I'm fine eomma" Haechan said smiling slightly and walking away. 

Taeyong knew something was wrong with Haechan and decided to take matters into his own hands. He walked over to Mark and tapped his shoulder, gaining his attention. "Mark Lee, what is up with you lately?" 

"W-what are you talking about?" Mark asked confused. 

Taeyong pointed to a sulking Haechan in the corner  "Haechan thinks you hate him."

"Did he tell you that?" Mark asked surprised. 

"Lets call it mothers intuition" Taeyong chuckled. "But seriously he's upset, all you do is push him away and reject his affection and then go cuddle up to WinWin or Johnny. You're hurting him a lot more than you may know." 

"I..I didn't realize what I was doing I guess. I'm going through a lot of confusing feelings right now" Mark admitted looking at his fidgeting hands. 

Taeyong grabbed his chin and made him look him in the eyes. "Talk to him, tell him what you're feeling, I have a very good feeling he feels the same Mark" 

Mark blushed "Do you think so eomma?" 

Taeyong nodded with a soft smile "I do."

Mark looked over at Hyuck who was now sitting in the corner trying to hide his tears. 

"I'm gonna go talk to him" Mark said determined. 

Taeyong smiled and patted his son on the head "You can do this." 

Mark smiled and walked over to Hyuck who didn't notice him walk up to him. Mark sat down in front of him and smiled at him. 

"Hyukie, look at me" Mark softly commanded. 

Reluctantly Haechan looked up at Mark. "What do you want Mark?" 

"I want to apologize for being so mean to you. I have been thinking a lot and I've realized...well I've realized that I like you, a lot. And I don't want to ruin our friendship or anything, but I just can't stop thinking about you. Every time I see you, my heart races and I can't help but smile. Whenever you touch me I feel like I'm going to explode. I only act annoyed because I was scared that you don't feel the same, and if you don't that's okay. I just really wanted you to know that I'm sorry for hurting your feelings and making you cry." Mark rambled. 

Hyuck was crying again, this time out of joy. "Mark, I like you too so much. I thought you hated me when you kept telling me to leave you alone." 

Mark leapt forward and tackled Haechan into a hug. Haechan fell backwards and Mark ended up on top of him. They stayed like that for awhile until Yuta ruined the mood. 

"Yah! no having sex in the practice rooms!" Yuta yelled at the two youngest. 

Mark and Haechan quickly separated, blushing madly. 

"Hyunggg" Haechan whined in embarrassment. 

"Okay Yuta, you're not one to talk. You and WinWin have definitely had sex in here more than once" Johnny said sassily.

Now Yuta and WinWin were the ones who were blushing. "Shut up Johnny" Yuta said.

Everyone laughed and decided to call it a day, they were practicing for hours and were exhausted. 

When they got back to the dorm the two lovebirds went straight to their shared room. They took their showers and once they were both clothed, they layed on Marks bed together. 

"Hyuck, will you be my boyfriend?" Mark asked, secretly crossing his fingers. 

"Of course you doofus" Haechan replied and crashed his lips to Mark's. 

Mark kissed back with vigor, and soon enough he was on top of Haechan as they made out heavily. 

"Hey did you guys make u- OH MY GOD I'M SO SORRY" Taeyong walked in on his two youngest making out, Mark just about to pull his shirt off. 

"EOMMA GET OUT" Mark yelled, his face beet red. 

Taeyong turned around and slammed the door behind him. 

Mark looked down at Haechan and started to laugh. "Everyone around here loves to ruin the mood." 

Haechan nodded, laughing as well. Mark got off of Hyuck and layed next to him. Hyuck scooted closer and nuzzled his face into Mark's chest sighing contently. 

"This is nice,I should've confessed sooner" Mark said as he wrapped his arms around Hyuck, keeping him close. 

"That's your fault" Haechan's muffled voice said from Mark's chest. 

Mark laughed "let's get some sleep baby, we have a long day ahead of us" 

Haechan blushed at the nickname but Mark couldn't see it. 

They both fell asleep that night with smiles on their faces. 


"Oh.My.God." Taeyong said as he shut the door to his and Johnny's room. 

"What?" Johnny asked, setting his phone down.

"I walked in on Mark and Hyuck making out on Marks bed" Tae said sitting next to Johnny on their bed. 

Johnny laughed "At least the made up, I was worried that they would have another fight" 

"Yeah, I just really didn't wanna see our kids kissing" Taeyong said giggling and laying next to Johnny, cuddling into his side. 

"I love that you refer to them as our kids" Johnny chuckled. 

"They are our kids, we basically raised them" Tae said looking up at Johnny with a 'Really?' face. 

"I know it's just cute baby" Johnny said kissing the top of Taeyong's head. 

Tae smiled contently and snuggled back into Johnny's side, promptly falling asleep. 

Johnny smiled and ran his fingers through his boyfriends hair and slowly fell asleep as well. 

A/N- So lol I know that this isn't really angsty but I have a hard time writing angst. I literally got this idea from watching Markhyuck videos on Youtube and seeing Mark always reject poor Hyuck. So yeah lol request what you guys wanna read. byeeeeee

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