Midnight's voice crackled through the phone, "Hello there Tamaki what can I help you with?" she asked.

"That girl from the other day is in EraserHeads classroom and his students are interrogating her and he is sleeping on the floor and...help" He wasn't one to talk much or offer long explanations but for some reason he felt the need to help her. Maybe it was because he wanted to be a hero or maybe because from the first moment he saw her he wanted to be near her and protect her.

"I want to go home" Ishi mumbled again. Mirio heard her and smiled lightly, she was just like Tamaki with that iconic homebody line.He looked over his shoulder to see how Nejire was doing with getting her out but she seemed to be having some difficulties as the girls snakes snapped at Nejire whenever she same within two meters of her.

"Calm down, I know you're scared but I want to help you get out. You want to go home and we want to bring you there. I'm going to be a hero, and heroes don't let scared people stay afraid and in dangerous situations." It's true that after the first years had fought off the villain attack the public was keeping their eyes on them, their strength was showcased and to civilians that's all that matters. The third years however, they knew what being a hero was really about. It wasn't just being physically strong, in fact most of their quirks weren't and they had to work hard just to make their quirks strong enough, but they knew that being a hero is all about helping people who need it.

The tell tale click of high heels resounded through the hallway and into the classroom. Mirio sighed in relief and gave Tamaki a look out of the corner of his eye, 'When all else fails being in reinforcements' Tamaki thought.

Midnight surveyed the room; roughly fifteen students standing and yelling, one sleeping teacher, one Ishi curled up with her snakes dripping venom at the mouth, one of the big three at the front of the room acting as Ishi's shield and deflecting questions. The second third year trying and failing to talk Ishi down from her panic, and the final of the big three standing at the door slightly hunched over facing the wall his cell phone clutched tightly in his hands.

"Seems like you kiddo's need some work in interpersonal relations!" she started walking through the door. All the first year students froze, to them all they had done was ask questions but to Ishi it was too much. While incredibly easy to see this the students were blinded by their curiosity and extroverted personalities that even when an older student stepped in they didn't cease their barrage of questions.

Nemuri walked over past Ishi her snakes retreating slightly to let her by, she brushed her hand over a couple of her bodies fondly as she went. Then she stood in front of Aizawa's sleeping body and pulled her foot back a little before sending it forward and into his knee. He jumped up his shout of protest caught in his throat as he surveyed the scene in front of him and put it all together. "Talk your students down while I get Ishi out" she commanded, the fury in her voice leaving no room for arguments, "And thank the Big Three for saving her" Nemuri added.

Then she turned around and slowly stepped toward Ishi waving Nejire off, "Hello darling, it's me Nemuri, I'm going to bring you home now okay? We can do some learning later if you want or you can have the day off, you were so brave to try to introduce yourself, I know you tried and I'm so so proud of you, now let's take off okay?" she lightly grabbed Ishi's hand to pull her out of herself and into her loving arms.

Ishi opened her eyes and flew into Nemuri, fear still clutched at her leaving cold spots on her skin, but she knew Nemuri is a safe place. She is safe. Midnight placed an arm under her butt and legs and stood up slightly wobbling in the process, Mirio steadied her by placing an arm on her shoulders but being careful not to touch Ishi and startle her again. "I think we have hot chocolate at home too, so lets have some of that and listen to an audio book, okay?" Ishi nodded in agreement trying to distract herself from the dozens of eyes staring at her with the promise of a sweet treat when she got home.

It Struck A Heart String With Many (BNHA x OC)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang