A Moment of Clarity

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Staring into the flames of the campfire, Holly spoke to Desmond and the others, her voice low and hollow. "I haven't....always been an assassin. I know your father already told you that, but he didn't tell you everything. I once worked under the Templar Grand Master Haytham Kenway, alongside one of the most influential Templars of the age, even married him down the line."

"Who? There were many under his command," Desmond replied, brow furrowing.

"But only one was a former assassin; Shay Patrick Cormac." Her eyes darkened with a painful longing. Just the name brought forth memories of that life she had with him.

Desmond tilted his head, even more curious now. "But why haven't I seen him in Connor's memories? Or even Haytham's for that matter?"

Holly stood slowly, one hand in her pocket grasping the necklace that was within. "Because he and I were off on a mission given to us by Haytham. You must have skipped over those memories in your specific search for the artifact."

She sighed softly. The air was thick, heavy with the weight of her words. "Shay and I had children. Sadly none really inherited my Eden Traits. I have no idea if our bloodline continued beyond that. I hope it did."

Holly looked out into the chamber around the group, humming softly to herself. So many people she used to know and love. Perhaps their bones are dust now, returning to the life cycle of the earth. Some most certainly were by now. "I can tell you about Shay if you'd like."

Desmond gave a soft smile, chuckling a little.

"I'd like that, Holly."

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⏰ Última actualización: Oct 05, 2021 ⏰

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