Chapter One: Deception

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Chapter One:

I turn to the human men in the warehouse and feign an innocent look, my perfect pink cupid's bow lips were naturally tilted downwards in an almost frown and my exotic silver-blue eyes had yellow flecks in them, my unnatural beauty made their expressions turn curious. But they were stupid, although I was small for any supernatural at the height of five-six and had a curvy hour glass shape, I was more deadly than they could ever imagine. They ignored the danger my aura naturally exuded because of my weak features like my pale porcelain skin and angelic face.

"Hey there Sweety. Do you need something?" One of the workers asks me, concern flitted over his and the other's faces. Their emotions don't affect me or make me feel guilt for what I'm about to do.

"Actually," I hesitate purposely, "Yes." My voice gets serious and before their minds even comprehend whats going on I link my mind with theirs, controlling them with my eyes as their brilliant color turns black. I don't bother acting anymore because they won't even be alive when I'm done. "I need you to give me a package. It's for Patrick Moore." The mindless men follow my instructions and get the medium sized box for me. "Put it in the car." I bark at them when the retrieve it for me.

They stand right in front of me and wait for more instruction when their finished. I smile a sickeningly sweet fake smile and say the last words they will ever hear.

"Now get your guns out and shoot each other, no survivors." The smile is still on my face as I watch the pitiful humans end each other's lives, but the smile doesn't reach my emotionless eyes. This was business, I couldn't let something as trivial as emotion get in my way.

When the last man stands he gives me a look of utter pain, I know he's struggling against my command, but in the end his body is not in his control. He shoots himself in the head, blood everywhere as he collapses to the floor.

As soon as I hear the hollow thud against the concrete and the lack of hearts beating in the warehouse I know my job is done. I get into the car and drive back to the house, not bothering to look in the package simply because I don't care what's inside. This was all for my father, and I don't really bother with him much, we didn't have your usual father-daughter relationship. He didn't show any affection towards me, and I didn't bother him. He was always more of a trainer of sorts, telling me tears were a weakness. That anyone could show emotion, but only the best knew how to hide them. He raised me to be a weapon.

When I was younger all I wanted from my father was some love, so in order to get his approval I did whatever he asked, which is how these little errands came about. But nothing I did would get him to just say those three simple words to me. Eventually I gave up, but I was so used to hiding my emotions and being this hollow person, I couldn't remember who the real me was. It was a part of who I was now. At school I was known as the hauntingly beautiful girl without emotion, people were afraid of me, so no one would bother me, and I returned the favor. I only had to go to school to keep up appearances, because technically, I don't even really exist.

My mother was a werewolf, and she left her pack because she found her mate, my father, a vampire. Now, having two different supernatural species mate is extremely rare, and to conceive is nearly impossible, so although my mother and father were literally made for each other, they never expected to have a child. Ever.

My mother abandoned her pack to be with my father, so naturally they were angry, but they didn't do anything about it because mating was sacred to the supernatural world. But once they heard about my mother carrying a child all bets were off, they thought that nothing that unnatural should be able to live. They waited until the sun was at its highest and my father at his weakest to make their move. They came into my parents home and destroyed everything, tore up the furniture, smashed their belongings, and more importantly killed my mother. My father was in a comatose state the whole time because of his vampiric slumber, he didn't have a clue until he awoke that night.

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