Chapter Two: Caught

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Now that I notice it, his eyes are slightly narrowed also, eyeing me with a smoldering gaze. His lean, muscular body was tense, like a cobra ready to strike. I take another lick of the cream subconsciously as I study him. This guy was very interesting. He seemed to bring foreign emotions to the surface, and I couldn't tell if I liked them or not.

But before I could ponder anymore about him, he did something I didn't think was possible. While looking right in my eyes, his nostrils flared as he took a deep breath and exhaled a low, deep growl. His eyes flashed with some unknown emotion as realization dawned on me.

This werewolf could smell my scent.

Chapter Two:

I couldn't breath. How is this possible?! Had everything I lived through been a lie? My father has always told me I had no scent, that was how we could move around so easily without anyone being able to find us. Every time I ran into a supernatural they couldn't figure out what I was because I didn't have a scent, that is why I was still alive. If anyone found out about my true identity I would be a goner.

My mother's old pack wasn't the only supernatural group that knew about me, the reason we had to move so much was because they were constantly looking for my father, making sure he suffered his long life alone, and miserable. And because I didn't have a scent, the supernaturals that looked for my father didn't know I was with him, it came in handy very often.

That's what I don't understand. How can this teenage werewolf smell my scent when the best trackers in the supernatural world can't figure out I'm still alive? Why was he so special?

I know for a fact I don't have a scent, because if I did, I would've been dead a long time ago.

Maybe I should tell me father?

A bone chilling shutter runs through my spine when the thought crosses my mind. No, my father would just make me kill him, and I can't even stand the thought of this beautiful boy hurt.

Wait, did I really just think that?

I think I needed more sleep last night than what I got.

I tear my gaze away from his hypnotizing eyes and go back to robotically eating my lunch, though I wasn't hungry anymore. I just needed to keep my body busy while my mind went wild with questions I didn't have the answers to.

My mind wondered until the bell rang for next period, which was my free time, so I headed over to the library and got a head start on my home work I've received so far. The work was supposed to help keep my mind off of the strange boy in the lunch room, but it wasn't working very well. I was getting frustrated by that point. Nothing like this has happened to me before, I've never been distracted by useless emotions because of the opposite sex. I am a serious person, one who doesn't waste their time on feelings and boys.

Eventually I get my work done and the bell rings, bringing me to my next class. The walk wasn't too far from the library so I made it on time. "Ah, you must be the new student. My name is Miss Robyn, and this is Cooking I." She was considerably young for a teacher, maybe only twenty-five at the oldest, and her cheery smile was probably contagious with everyone else, but my returning smile still wasn't genuine.

Smiling back at the human must have been the right thing to do though because her smile widened and she got up from her chair and walked me over to my new seat. "This is where you'll be seated for the next semester with a partner, if he decides to shows up today." Her smile faulters slightly like the thought of this boy concerned her slightly. "Now, because this is the only seat available, I must apologise ahead of time, Jet... doesn't really play well with others." She ponders slightly about what she says and nods her head in confirmation.

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