Chapter Three: Confusion

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"Hey!" I hear from behind me as I walk towards the door. Footsteps quickly follow behind. "Aren't you going to take your cake home?" Jet asks me from behind, cake in hand.

I turn to face him with a smirk. "Nope." I quickly scoop some of the frosting off of the top with my index finger and put the finger in my mouth, licking it off. "You can have it."

His eyes blaze with an emotion close to want as I walk away with confidence, not looking back.

Chapter Three:

That night my father sent me out on another one of his 'errands'.

I walked into a club called the "Velvet Night", it was exclusive to supernaturals and humans were only allowed in as feeders. As I walked up to the doors a large man packed with muscles turned to me with a raised eyebrow.

"Can I help you kid?" He asked me in a taunting manor. I pushed back my anger though because I was here for business.

"Yes, I'm here to meet with Barkley. I'm, um, his... entertainment." I purred, letting my face relax into one full of sensuality.

I hear him clear his throat subtly as he lets me through the door. I let a small smirk appear on my face as I make my way to Barkley's door in the back of the club.

I can hear the beat of the hypnotic music vibrate through my body as I knock on his door, waiting for him to let me in. My father sent me here to see how the competition around town was, and of course I needed to go and snoop around first before he could get anywhere.

"Enter." I hear from behind the door, the voice was deep and rough, probably from years of smoking.

I easily sway my hips as I walk into Barkley's office. I was going for seduction, if I could get his guard down enough, I would be able to get the information I needed, and I could get out of here. "Hello, Barkley." I purr as I sashay towards him in fake interest.

He looks surprised by me outwardly interest, but he doesn't bother hiding as he blatantly checks me out. I purposely wore a tight white dress that just covered my bum and had a plummeting back line. My breasts were mostly exposed in the dress, but it still covered my nipples, and I had on a pair of silver heels to give me more height. The make up I wore was dark and sensual with smokey eye shadow, deep red lipstick and subtle blush to make my face look like a china doll. To be honest, I looked like a slut, but that is what I was going for. I needed this guys attention, and my body was a good way to get it.

"Come over here, doll, and sit." He orders me huskily, and pats his lap.

I accept his offer and straddle his lap, already feeling his arousal. I let out a fake satisfied sigh and get comfortable. I can see his fangs elongate slightly from arousal and I set my plan in motion for this vampire.

I kiss his neck as he pushes up my dress and rubs my bum. I let out fake little moans and continue to tease him mercilessly. As I am doing this I know his guard is going down and I let my mind wander into his own. I know I have full control when his body stiffens underneath mine.

"Hm, what do we have here?" I say with fake innocence. "Now, Barkley. Before we get started I need you to do something for me... Do you think you can?"

"Yes." Was his mindless answer.

"Good." I say, dropping my facade and getting off of his lap. "I need you to answer a few questions for me and then I can let you go. Okay?"


I make sure to fix my hair and dress purposely as I walk out of Barkley's office. People are watching me with passing interest and I needed to make sure I kept my facade going until I was out of this club. Barkley was currently passed out in his desk chair and wouldn't remember anything when he awoke. I had thankfully gotten everything I needed and got out of there quickly, not needing to kill anyone. I was somewhat disappointed because of that fact, but I let it slide. There would be another time and place for that.

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