Chapter 8: Forgiveness

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   She's been in the hospital for almost a month by now. Lui really did a number on her. (y/n) ended up with a broken right arm, twisted left ankle, a black eye, and a damaged backbone.
   If I knew it was this bad, I wouldn't have been petty and beaten up Lui before getting her to the hospital. She hasn't woken up yet and it makes me worry. Many things could've happened to her, and I chose to beat up Lui instead of helping the one I love.
   I was sitting beside (y/n)'s hospital bed and ran my hand through her (h/l) (h/c) hair. Even asleep, she still looks beautiful. She is perfect.
   Eventually I had to tell Opal, Mai, Valt, and even Diago about what happened. When I told them Opal went into a state of panic with Valt and Mai was trying to calm them down. Diago just tried to read my expressions. He probably thought I was lying about saving her.
   After a while he believed me, but not fully until (y/n) would tell him face to face. Looking back down at (y/n), she started to shift around a bit.
   My crimson eyes shot right to her face, instantly her beautiful (color) eyes. "W-what happened Shu?" For being asleep for a month, her voice was as tender as ever.
   "Are you okay (y/n)? Does anything hurt?" I asked.
   "I'm fine. Wait... what happened to Lui? And-and both of you fought, I think. How long have I been out for?" (y/n) stared right into my crimson eyes. It was like I could see inside of her soul, it was beautiful.
   "You've been out for a month." I sighed and held her hand in mine. "Lui is... somewhere. I beat him up, a lot. So I don't really know where he ended up. But you can rest well. I promise nothing will hurt you ever again." I explained.
  She slowly moved towards me and pulled me into an embrace. "Thank you..." She mumbled only loud enough for only me to hear.
   Suddenly, *BAM*. The door to (y/n)'s hospital room was wide open. Valt ran into the room. "Your awake (y/n)!" Way to ruin the moment Valt.
   Opal, Mai, and Diago went into the room following Valt. They all took a look at (y/n). At this point I was out of (y/n)'s embrace.
   "Hey guys. I'm up." She replied. A small smile found a place on her soft face.
   "Oh my gosh! How have you been doing? You know what happened right?!" Opal yelled and explained.
   (y/n) placed her hands over her ears. "Please quiet down Ella, but yes. I do remember what happened. And Shu just told me how long I've been out for." She explained.
   "And what do you remember?" Diago asked suspiciously.
   "W-well I remember Lui confronting me while I tried to go up and meet Shu. Then Lui started to beat me up. I felt like I was dieing. That was when Shu saved me and beat up Lui." She then looked into my eyes again. "I owe you my life Shu."
   She then leaned in and gave me a pack on the cheek. A large blush appeared on my face. Wow, "The Coolest Blader in Japan" really can't keep his cool around a girl he loves.
   Valt and Opal were fangirling and fanboying... I think. Mai was nodding approvingly. While Diago just looked, but then nodded as well. I looked back at (y/n). Then pulled her left arm and kissed her right on the lips.
   She widened her (color) eyes that I love so much, but then relaxed into the kiss. This was the first time in my life that I've ever been so confident. Even when I was under Lui's control, I was never this confident.
   (y/n) began to wrap her broken arm around my neck as I kept a tight grip on her left one. I also snaked my free arm around her waist.
   I wanted to take it farther until, "*AHEM* You know, I love this sweet moment, but just want to remind you that the rest of us are here." Opal said.
   I stopped kissing (y/n) to my dislike, but I still needed to ask her something. "Well, umm." I maybe feeling a little bit embarrassed. "Hey (y/n), will you be my girlfriend? Look look! I know I've done some pretty bad things in the past that I am not that proud of, but will you please give me another chance, and let me be your boyfriend?" I asked. I was bracing myself for the worst took come.
   "Of course. I would love to be your girlfriend..." I couldn't hear her. All I could head were a few words of astonishment.
   "Excuse me. Please say that again (y/n). Not to be rude but, I couldn't hear you." I say so I could really get the full sentence.
   "Of course! I would love to be your girlfriend!" She screamed excitedly.
   I leaned I  to give her another hug, except tighter. Until, "Oww! Remember, still got a broken arm, I think. Well all I know is that I got a broken something in the upper section of my body. I was just assuming it was my arm because of the cast."
   I immediately let go of her, but keep my clear smile on my face. Everything was perfect.

   "So that was how you and mommy got together?" My beautiful daughter Yumi asked. She had (h/l) snow whit hair with a streak of (h/c) in her hair. She was five and a little shy. Just like how I was when I was younger. She also had (color) eyes just like her mother. She was also sweet, just like her mother.
   "Yes it is." I reply.
   "I think it's cute how you two met!" Yumi yelled.
   "Ya, well I think it was a little to much on the lovey dovey side." My son Haru said to his younger sister. Haru had (h/c) hair, just like (y/n)'s hair with white highlights. They aren't natural, but he wanted to look a little like me through his hair. So even though he's eight, we let him dye his hair. He is a strong willed little boy, just like his amazing mother, still he is a sensitive little man.
   Looking back at my children, I still couldn't believe how much I earned from my life. Especially earning the girl of my dreams as my wife.
   She was in the kitchen cooking up some dinner. (y/n) poked her head in the doorway. "Dinner's ready everyone!" She shouted with that angelic voice of hers.
   Yumi and Haru ran to the dining room as my wife brought out (favorite food) that smelled absolutely delicious. I walked over to her. "Thanks for the amazing smelling food darling." I pecked her on the cheek.
   "You're welcome." (y/n) brought out the food to the extravagant dinner table. We live on the top three floors of a skyscraper thag overviewed the beach near the school both my wife and i used to go too. Did I also mention that I became the head of the WBBA? Well, I did. This made a lot more than enough money for the family, and even if I tried to get (y/n) to relax and told her to not worry so much about her crazy job, she won't listen to me. At all, like ever. Then again, I always did love her for how hard she worked.
   If you told me ten years ago that all of this was possible, I would've laughed in your face saying that I wouldn't even get the girl I love to forgive me. Yet here I am now, sitting at the same table with her, in a beautiful house, with the most loving family in the world.
   If I had to change anything, even changing not being mean to (y/n), I would change nothing. Want to know Why? Because then the bond between both (y/n) and myself wouldn't be as strong.
   After dinner we both tuck in Yumi and Haru in their desperate bedrooms, and go into our shared bedroom. (y/n) was fixing her hair in the vanity mirror, then said. "How did I end up so lucky with you?"
   "Well ten years ago you wanted to avoid me like the plague. I should be the one who is lucky to have you." I replied as I walked over to kiss my beloved wife.
   She looked up at me, "Both of us are extremely lucky. Especially to have two beautiful kids like ours." (y/n) said as she smiled.
   We both then got to the king size bed we shared. I looked into her (color) eyes. She looked extremely tired from her busy job today as a bey mechanic. Her eyelids slowly closed. I kissed her head and played with her (h/l) (h/c) hair until I began to feel sleepy myself.
   This was one of the best moments of my life. "I love you..." I whispered into her ear. Then I fell asleep, excited for whatever tomorrow brings...

1553 words!

I finally finished the book! I hope you enjoyed it. Another book will be coming out soon! The scenario is going to be King! Red Eye/Shu x Princess! Reader. Both of the characters will be the same age. Well, look out for the next book I'm writing! And thank you for all the support I got while writing this book!

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