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C'est la première fois que j'essaye d'écrire quelque chose en anglais donc voilà ce que ça donne. Je suis sûre qu'il y a pleins de fautes donc si vous en repérez, n'hésitez pas a me les signaler. C'est en se trompant qu'on apprend ! 😁
Je tiens a dire que je ne suis pas bilingue (je pense que vous le remarquez 😂), merci d'être tolérant, j'ai fait de mon mieux !


- I remember you were quite calm and focused. I tried to speak with you. I teased you to make you laughing. I believed that you didn't want to speak with me. You considerated me like a fool, a stupid guy.

- No.

- What ?

- I didn't considerate you like a fool,  a stupid guy. I didn't dare to speak with you because I found you very funny. You were kidding all the time. You seemed cool. I was shy, too shy for you.
But, over time I became more open-minded, I laughed with you. We spoke all the time. You were a good friend for me. You didn't considerate me like a shy person. You've become my most beautiful meeting. We had a lot of laughter between us. I trusted you and you trusted me. But the teacher punished us, she said to stop talking... Stop talking was impossible with you. You always had a funny thing to say.
We were friend. I really appreciated you.

- I had the impression that someone liked me as I was. And I loved you like you was. I wanted to help you to leave your shyness.

- You've suceeded.

- Yes, I know.

- I've never said you something.

- What ?

- The next year, we weren't in the same class. You were with all of our friends. I was alone in a new class, I knew nobody. Yes, I was angry, sad and very jealous. You seemed to have fun in your class, you laughed a lot, you laughed without me... You were happy in your class, and me, I didn't feel good in my skin. It was the most horrible year in my life. But, the thing that made me sad was that you didn't speak to me. You've never spoken to me !

- I didn't realized that it was important for you to be with me. I believed that you didn't care about me.
The next year, we fell again in the same class.

-After one year where we had not spoken , we started to speak together as if nothing was happened. We were for a new time very friends. You remembered our memories from two years ago and I smiled. It was cool to see that you've never forgotten me and our friendship.

- It was at the moment I realized that you meant a lot for me. Yes, you were still shy and you always blushed when you had to speak in front of an audience but I loved that. I knew that you hate your shyness and that's why I decided to help you to be confident in yourself.

- You complimented me. You smiled at me when I had to go at the blackboard in class. You teased me and made jokes to make me laugh. You reassure me. You were kind with me. I felt good with you. And I realized that I was falling in love with you.

- ...

- I had the impression to know you without you told me your life. When I saw your gaze, there was a particular thing between us.


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