True Story

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Once upon a time, in Howard Wisconsin there was a student at Bay View Middle School that would bully a girl, named Claire. The bully was nicknamed Conehead, but no one knew his real name. He was a smart, and a funny kid, and everyone liked him because the only person he bullied was a smart, funny, yet non-popular, not-so-good-looking girl (nobody else!!!). No one understood why the only person that he bullied was her. And one day she went on a quest to find out why...

One day Claire went to lunch and she saw her friend Kiri so she was on her way across the lunchroom to sit next to her, and all the sudden Conehead popped out of nowhere and started bullying Claire. He took her lunch and she said please stop and he just wouldn't stop and she tried so hard not to cry and then, one tear rolled down her cheek and she just started bawling her eyes out and he still wouldn't stop so she screamed, " You're such a jerk!" and then everyone just froze. Everything was so still like a tiger getting ready to pounce but nothing happened. When she got home from school her parents asked what she did that day and she told them the truth and they told her that she should have told him to stop bullying her a long time ago and he maybe would've stopped.

She saw him the next day in class and he looked really sad so she told him that she was sorry and that she didn't mean it and that she was just really upset and mad at him. She went home that day and she was also sad but she didn't know why she was sad, she finally told him to stop, and he did. There was no reason for her to be sad, so she told her parents that and they said it was probably that she just didn't want him to be sad because just seeing someone sad made her sad. That same thing went on over and over every day for another week and now they were both very sad.

Claire woke up and all she saw was a bright light, she blinked a few times to get her eyes adjusted, she turned her head and looked at her alarm clock, 7:00. She had fifteen minutes to get ready for the bus. She was so surprised that she forgot to set her alarm before she went to bed. She thought that she was probably still thinking about Conehead when she went to bed so she just forgot. When she got on the bus, a new kid was on so she went to sit near her, she sat down thinking that she could greet her but she just sat there silent, no movement, no sound. Claire said Hi, still no reply. The poked the girl and then right away the girl jumped up and pulled her earplugs out from her ears hidden by gorgeous dark hair, the girl just waiting for her to say something, and finally, Claire introduced herself to the girl, and the girl introduced herself to Claire, " Hi my name is Jenna, I'm new here."

After they became friends they got to the school building and Claire saw Conehead standing outside the bus, just waiting for someone. The smile on Claire's face disappeared, and she stopped thinking about everything except Conehead, she did not want to get off that bus if it was the end of the world and her life depended on it but everyone behind her pushed and jerked her to the front of the bus she tried to hide in seats but everyone just pushed and jerked, finally, she fell off the last step on the bus, she saw Conehead, and she tried to run but when she fell off the step, she had hurt her foot. Conehead walked toward her and grabbed her hand and said, " Here let me help." and he pulled her up, " By the way my real name is Tyler."

Claire stood there in shock but she smiled at him and sort of felt different inside, she felt...happy. Her heart jumped with joy but she didn't want to show it, she still didn't know why her mood changed just by him. So when she got to class she read a story about a girl who hated this boy but she really liked him but didn't know. She suddenly realized how she felt about "Tyler". She was hopelessly in love with him.

When Claire realized the only thing she could do was to talk to someone, she thought about it and she didn't like that idea so she- wait that's not the only thing she could do... She could talk to Tyler in person and that would probably fix it. She walked toward him and her heart beating faster than ever she, with a shaky voice, spoke, "Hey, we need to talk." After school they walked in the lunchroom when no one was there and talked for about 15 minutes and when they were done talking, she went to walk away and quickly he kissed her cheek and ran. He turned around, Claire in shock smiled and winked, and they walked home together.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2014 ⏰

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