4.18 'Memories are a delicate thing'

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Grace"s POV

Alternate world-

"Hurry, Cas"I say running with my little feet and Cas following behind.

"Wait up Grace"he says trying to catch up then we both get tired and collapse on the green grass laughing.

"That was fun"I say and Cas rolls his eyes.

"Fun, you were about to leave me behind"he says and Grace chuckles.

"Yeah, only because somebody was a slow poke"I say and Cas sits up.

"Slow poke,huh"he says and I smile at him.

"Yep"I say and Cas starts tickling me and I giggle.

"Cas"I shriek in laughter.

"Get a room you two"Elena and Zariel say at the same time and me and Cas look at each other and giggle.

I wake up to hear voices.

"I can't believe someone made supernatural books about us"Dean says shaking his head and I sit up.

'what was that dream about?'

"Well look who's awake"Dean says and I roll my eyes.

"Yeah, I'm awake,so what's going on?"

"Oh,nothing just a person made a book based on our lives"he says and my weird dream was forgotten.

"Really, am I in it?"I say and he nods throwing the book to me.

"I'm warning you, that you might not like what you read sis"he says and I look at it and my eyes widen.


"I Know right it's ridiculous."

"My hair's plantinum and I have green eyes, cool"I say fangirling out and Dean's mouth drop.

"Seriously, this guy writes about our entire lives and all you notice is the cover"he says and I shrug nonchalant.

"Have you met me?"I say and Dean nods agreeing.

"I found a bunch of comments"Sam says and I get up.

"Like what?"I ask and he reads them out.

"One comment says Grace should have a romantic life as well"he says and I agree.

'I do need a lovelife I'm twenty seven years old for crying out loud'

"Over my dead body she's gonna have a lovelife"Dean says and I roll my eyes at his protectiveness.

"Dean, I'm twenty seven years old"I say and Dean scoffs.

"That doesn't mean anything,if a boy is gonna ask my Lil sister out he better be a gentleman or he's getting the shotgun up where the sun don't shine"he says and I roll my eyes and scoff.

"Oh, really like who?"I ask and Dean smirks.

"Like Cas"he says and my eyes widen and I blush furiously.

"Dean!"I exclaim in embarrassment and he chuckles.

"So you do like him"he says and I blush even more red and I glare at him.

"Shut up Dean"I say stealing Sam's line.

"Hey, that's my line"he says and I chuckle and wink at him.

"Anyway if were talking about liking our Guardian Angels, what about Zari?"I say teasing him and he shrugs.

"What about her?"he says nonchalant.

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