Chapter 2

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Shuri: Two bros sitting in a hot tub.

Stiles: Five feet apart cause they're not gay.

Steve: What?

Peter: Happy birthday Raven.

Derek: I can't swim.

Bucky: Ahh.

Stiles: Stop! I could have dropped my croissant!

Stiles added Scoot to the group chat

Scoot: I love myself.

Shuri: Even though I look like a burnt chicken nugget.

Peter: I still love myself.


Scoot: What is this anyway?

Derek: It is a group chat that Stiles' friend Peter started with the Avengers to bring the team closer together and you, Stiles, and I got added. You and I were added by Stiles.

Scoot: Oh ok. Wait, Peter like Peter Hale?

Stiles: NO! His name is Peter Parker.

Scoot: Your friends with the Avengers and Spider-Man?

Stiles: Yes. Also, Bucky is my birth father and that is why I have been going to New York like once a month.

Scoot: Cool.


Stiles: Has anyone ever noticed that Stephen and Tony look a lot like Sherlock Homes from the show Sherlock and the movies Sherlock Holmes?

Stiles: Has anyone ever noticed that Stephen and Tony look a lot like Sherlock Homes from the show Sherlock and the movies Sherlock Holmes?

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Sherlock from the show

Sherlock from the movies

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Sherlock from the movies.

Tony: Wow. We really do.

Stephen: That is very unexpected.

Steve: It is so uncanny.

Clint: It is weird, even for us.

Natasha: I want to laugh because of how many times Tony and Stephen said "No shit Sherlock," to each other. LOL.

Thor: It is very unnerving.

Bruce: I told you Tony when I watched the movies that he looked like you, but you didn't believe me.

Scoot: Bro, that is super weird.

Peter: How do you find this stuff?

Shuri: Yeah.

Stiles: I have my sources and I will never tell. Bye Bye now.

Derek: This is why I love him.

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