6. ||"you are shorter/taller than him"

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I don't want to ask this question out, at all haha I hate asking a "what's your height?" But I'll do it anyway, FOR SURE I might not feel offended by mine (probably, i just did anyway because someone from itzy is younger than me yet taller than me) i feel like crying all day

This is requested by, Prettyghost55209 which is another "or" request. So this request is all about you being shorter/taller than Ateez



Shorter: He feels more at ease since not only he is short but also his girlfriend is We're a Minion couple (Y/n) :>

Taller: I believe he will feel jealous of your height since you're taller than him Hey can you share your height with me please?


Shorter: He'd take care of you a lot, be around you a lot, he finds it adorable whenever you give him surprise back hugs or just literally hugs where your arms wrap around his torso and you hear his heartbeat on his chest

Taller: Would find himself resting on your shoulder every once in a while every time he back hugs you since he wouldn't crouch that much, whenever you talk to him sometimes you would turn your head either left or right to find his chin resting there


Shorter: Small giggles and always helps you reach something that you couldn't because of your height he'd gladly help you with it, let you ride on his back for a bit of some piggy back ride's

Taller: He's ok with it, you could reach him now to kiss his lips and his cheek which brings a fair win win to both parties


Shorter: If he can be a sweet boyfriend, chic boyfriend type he can also turn into someone who protects their love one type especially if they're shorter than him, he'll be this knight in shining armor even though he's also a cutie who's shy

Taller: calls you noona by accident sometimes, your tall height makes him think you're older than him in the relationship


Shorter: Would squeeze you like one of his plushies because you look so adorable in his eyes Waaahhh, (Y/nnnnn) don't get any taller for me ok? I love you just the way you are right now and that's perfect to me <3

Taller: He's fine too as long as you don't wear any heels either, whenever you do he whines about it Ehhh, (Y/nnnnn) don't make me feel like I'm short like Honjoong hyung


Shorter: Big spoon cuddle, just like Yunho and reaching things, he would always protect you because in his eyes you look like a smol miniture mochi that he needs to protect

Taller: Like Yunho it wouldn't be that hard in kissing him since you almost reach his height, a lot of cheek kisses, forehead and lips because you reach his height


Shorter: Always the big spoon in cuddling, cuddles you a lot, would even squeeze you to bits and you'd hear that cute high pitched laugh that always make him smile Ahihi~ sorry (Y/n) you're just so smol and that's so cute! :>

Taller: Instead of being the big spoon it goes the other way around sometimes, there are times where he wants to rest his head on your chest instead and wrap his arms around you


Shorter: Always teases you about your height, would sometimes hold up a book above your head or your phone making you whine wanting him to give it back but in one condition and that's you giving him a kiss on the cheek

Taller: He can't tease you out no more, swears that he'll get a bit more taller than you soon, sometimes prevents you to wear heels because he said it will cheat more on your height

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