Grandparents little angel

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The loved couple left their daughter with her grandparents in kerala and went  out of country for a bright future. She grew up with her grandparents who loved her so much that they couldn't see tears dripping of her eyes. She also loved them a lot and couldn't think of leaving them. She was so lucky to have them as her grandparents. They all laughed together, spent time together. The little girl used to go to pre-primary school. Her grandma used to do her eyebrows and hair and made her look so beautiful. But time changed, thoughts changed. Her parents decided to move to Mumbai with their daughter. Hence, her parents returned to kerala. They started spending time with their daughter. Father once asked his daughter " Dear, do you want a sibling with you who would play with you?". The girl eagerly  said," Yes papa! I want a baby brother". Father looked at his loved wife and smiled. They decided to move to Mumbai before their daughter started her proper schooling. The day finally arrived they had to leave grandparents. But, the daughter was hiding behind her grandma and grandpa. She was crying the entire time and cried saying, "I won't leave you both and go. Please don't leave me. I dont want to go." Grandpa replied, "They are your parents. They will take you to big school and will give you chocolate and everything. You will be happy with them." Grandparents decided to leave their sweetheart with her parents. On their way to station, in the car, on the platform the girl was crying so hard that looking at her grandparents were full of tears. She knew she couldn't live a moment without them. On the railway platform, she held her grandma so close that when the train arrived she didn't leave grandma. She knew the time she loses her from her grandma, she would be leaving. But her father pulled her. But the girl was holding her grandma so tightly that when her father pulled her she broke her grandma's gold chain. She cried, her grandparents cried.. They knew she wouldn't let them leave her easily. But some how her parents carried her and on their way she didn't stop crying. She became so tired that she couldn't properly talk. But her parents continuously tried to calm their  daughter but it was very difficult. She started to feel like everything is over, her life is over without them. They reached their destinated house in Mumbai. Still the little girl was depressed and she was not ready to eat anything. She would just cry saying ,"I want to meet my grandpa and grandma!" The girl was given her father's mobile to speak to her grandparents. But as soon as she heard her grandpa saying, "Hello dear!". She would just burst out into tears. Seeing her little angel crying even grandpa and grandma used to cry. Her father used to get her the best food that was available but she wouldn't eat at all. After so many shootings and all the girl started eating but as soon as she ate something she would just throw up everything. Her tantrums started growing day by day. Her mother was so sad that her only daughter is so depressed. But her father stood strong and calmed both mother and daughter. One fine day her father got so angry and gave her nice big lecture and shouted so much. But the girl actually gathered herself together and decided to live a life according to her parents. She started behaving different and started feeling the love.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2019 ⏰

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