Chapter Two

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My eyes flutter open to the sound of my neighbor's German Shepherd howling at the morning moon. In my hand, is my phone which reads 4:03. Three minutes late...

Part of my routine is grabbing a thirty-minute shower. Every day, Avery comes and picks me up. She's so pretty and I'm just a pimple face. Why would she ever fall for me? When I look into the mirror all I see is a pathetic man staring back at me.

Now looking back in the same mirror, there's a different man staring. This one is wearing shorts and a dark navy blue sweatshirt. His hair is gelled to the side, but when you get to the face... it's the same pepperoni face.

Walking downstairs, like any other day, nobodies in the kitchen. When I'm at home, my mother sleeps most of the day and when she's up, she's smoking twelve packs a day. She's a pathetic mother and deserves every side effect of the cigarettes. No wonder my dad left... I probably would have too.

When this place can be left, it's going to be my past as soon as possible. This town brings pain, suffering, and loss.

I sit down at the counter, alone. The counter has mold on the surface, which has been there for ages. Most kids don't like going for school, but for me, consider it an escape from reality, same with baseball.

People always wonder why I don't let them over here, or why I don't talk about home. It's a simple reason, it's not because I'm embarrassed- I'm hurt. Whenever I'm here, I'm hurt. Physically, verbally, and mentally.  If people would know, they wouldn't treat me the same.

At the last minute, I decided to take my breakfast to go (which was only a granola bar anyway). Walking past my mother's room it smells like alcohol and smoke. She's passed out drunk on the bed (nothing new). Its surprising child services were not called yet. But she does keep a good act out in public, no one would suspect a thing.

Without Greyson, I wouldn't be here the same way. He's the only one who will listen to me. Other than his mother, she keeps my mom alive. But to be honest, I wish she was dead, she's a waste of life. And it horrible for a kid to think that, but it's true.

The sad thing is-- she was not like this before. Up to the age of three, my parents were happy. We would do everything together. But when my third birthday came it was like the joy was stolen out of them. I started fighting and it was a horrible sight to see.

And that's why I don't let people get close to me. People walk out of your life when you need them most, Todd was a "perfect" example of that.

I step outside and the cold breeze slaps my face. Summers here are cold when it gets to August. Walking down the street to the park, Avery is in my mind. Her perfect eyes, her flushed lips, her long golden hair dances in the wind, and her perfectly straight teeth. Everything you'd want in a woman, too bad she's way out of my league. I'm surprised shes only had one boyfriend. Her red Jeep is parked at the corner (like always). Greyson waves his hand.

"Get in loser," says Avery smiling like the sun.

"I think you're the loser here, I mean look at that car," I say with a sassy smile.

She makes a "you serious face" that reminds me of the flower. I hop in the back seat behind Greyson.

"I think I should have the front seat Grey, you know those airbags might kill you," I say smirking.

"It's my car," Greyson says with the finger.

"Uh, no its MY car," Avery snaps, oh her fiery temper, it is so perfect.

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