19 - Let's Paint the Town Scarlet

Start from the beginning

Harry cleared his throat in irritation, "Can you guys stop trying to seduce Y/N in the middle of breakfast?"

George protested, "We can't help ourselves, she's so adorable!"

I plunked my head down on the table, suddenly drained of energy.

As the conversation around me continued, I thought about my conflict. I hadn't made any progress and decided to subtly consult my friends.

"Hey guys?" I asked tentatively, "Do you uh, do you think it's possible to um. To like more than one person at a time?"

They all stopped and looked at me.

"Do you mean having multiple crushes at one time?" Hermione asked.

I nodded, "Yeah, but maybe even a little more...serious than crushes."

"Why are you asking, Y/N?" Ron asked, a hint of anger showing through. 

"Because I happen to be deeply in love with the entire cast of Supernatural." I rolled my eyes. (Comment ur dream tv show orgy, mine's Game of Thrones).

"I'm serious," Ron protested.

"I am too! I mean, have you SEEN Jared Padalecki's abs?" I sighed dreamily and Fred flicked me on the forehead.

"Ok, fine. I'm sure you can guess the reason from my question, but I think I might have a crush on a couple different people. At the same time." I said hesitantly. "And I'm honestly just really confused and I need help."

Hermione cleared her throat, suddenly looking business-like, "Well, historically speaking,"

"Ugh, here she goes again with her damn history." Ron groaned.

She shot him a glare and continued. "Historically speaking, polygamy and having multiple partners has not been unusual in the magic community. In 'Hogwarts, A History', it speaks of a famous trio consisting of two witches and a wizard who were all romantically involved; their magical abilities were actually strengthened from their bond, hence the prevalence of magical harems in the past."

She dropped a book onto the table and flipped to a page, pointing to a picture of a witch surrounded by wizards, "Some particularly powerful magic users have intentionally sought out multiple powerful partners in order to better themselves. It can be a controversial topic for muggles but it's more widely accepted in the Magical world."

I laughed, "I'm not exactly looking to take over the world, but thanks Hermione."

Ginny waved a hand dismissively, "That's all facts and bullshit with no solution. Here's what you need to do: Start dating all of them, and dump whichever ones you like the least."

"Ginny, that's so mean!" I gasped.

"Yeah, since when did you get so cold-hearted?" George asked.

She stared at him, "Ah, my sweet summer child. You learn to be ruthless when you play the game, and I'm the champion."

"...What game. And I'm older than you."

"Shh. You will learn with time." She said sagely.

I whistled for their attention. "Guys? My problem?"

"I think you just have to examine your feelings for them, and talk to them. Some people aren't okay with sharing, but others might be open to it. It just depends on the person." Harry said.

"Thank you! Once again Harry is the voice of reason." I said.

Harry scolded himself internally right after talking. Does this mean she doesn't like me anymore? Does she like someone else? Damn it, I knew I should've acted faster.

The Summer I Turned Hot (Hogwarts boys x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now