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    The digital clock on the wall of the darkened room displayed 9.13pm. The glow of the computer screen reflected off the glasses of the man hunched over the keyboard. His fingers flew across over the keys as he muttered to himself, "Almost there, almost done. I'm going to do it." For the twentieth time in the last half hour he glanced at the time. "They'll be here for me any minute now. If I can just get this finished."

Sweat trickled down his face as he continued typing furiously. Finally he sat back with a sigh of relief. "It's done. Computer, confirm there are no errors in sub routine 156779."

"Checking, one moment please," the computer responded in a soft monotone female voice.

The man jumped suddenly as there was a loud banging on the door. He glanced behind him. The chair he had wedged against the door handle was starting to give way. It was just a matter of seconds before they would break in.

Over the noise from the door the computer's voice spoke again, "There are no errors in sub routine 156779. Do you wish to execute the routine?"

With a crash the chair was knocked aside as the door burst open.

"Yes, execute," the man shouted as three men rushed into the room.

"Sub routine 156779 executed," the computer replied.

Two of the men, who were dressed in security guard's uniforms, stood on either side of the man as he slowly rose from his chair and turned to face them. The third man dressed in a business suit spoke in a formal voice.

"Doctor James Spicer. We've discovered what you have been doing over the last three weeks. Your employment with this company is immediately terminated. You will be escorted from the building. Your security access is cancelled as of now, and you may also be charged with industrial espionage, that's up to the CEO. What were you working on just now on the computer?"

"I was typing out my grocery shopping list," Spicer replied with a smirk.

"Why did you have a chair wedged against the door?"

"Was it wedged there? I must have accidently pushed it over there earlier. It was in the way of the filing cabinet."

The man glared at Spicer, then snapped to the guards, "Escort Dr Spicer from the building. Get his swipe card and name badge before he goes."

As Spicer was propelled roughly towards the door by the guards he smiled to himself.  They thought they had won, but they were wrong. He would get his revenge. His subroutine was safely hidden deep in the computer's programming. They would never find it until it was too late. He wondered what the body count would be before they found a way to stop his creation.

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