Start from the beginning

"I-I mean, what do you suggest?" the girl stuttered out. Her drinks had also had some effect on her, she hated being under influence, the type, where she felt bubbly, giggly, maybe rather unable to speak the right words.

"I think, we could go out, anywhere honestly, the night is young and beautiful," the bassist waved his hands around to motion how big his words were.


"Okay?" Nikki looked at Nichole in disbelief, that she had spoken so quickly, without a doubt agreeing.

"Move before I change my mind," Nichole snapped them both out of the moment.

As they were leaving, Nichole looked back at Mick sitting alone on the couch, for a moment she felt bad for leaving him alone like that, but she only saw Mick sound asleep, so she smiled to herself and closed the door.

“Do you already know where we’re going?” Nichole asked the second they left the building, not knowing only made her more anxious.

Nikki still kept walking in silence for a moment, “I mean, yes.”

“And where would that be…?”

Nikki smiled behind his hair, “You’ll see.”

After a 5 minute walk, which felt like three times longer than that, because of the silence between them, they turned left on a dark corner, and Nichole’s anxiety grew bigger - she didn’t know, that was possible.

As her eyes got used to the dark, and she saw some street lights above her, she stopped to take in the sight in front of her. It was a square parking lot, there were surprisingly no cars parked, except for a grey tiny car in a far corner, that seemed to have been there for long, because of how rusty and broken it was. There were a few lights above, making some of the spots stand out and some – still left in the dark.

Nikki just kept walking, until he realised the girl he was with had stopped. He turned around to look at her with no expression in his face – that made Nichole snap back and make another heavy step.

Nikki simply sat down on the ground kind of in the middle of the lot, and smiled at the girl, as if he was expecting her to do same.

“Well, I’m wearing a dress…” Nichole expressed unsurely. She didn’t want to ruin the dress nor have to sit in uncomfortable positions.

“Shit,” Nikki laughed, “I mean, you can sit on my jacket,” he said and took off his leather jacket to reveal his bare arms, that looked even paler in the street light. Nichole studied that sight as the guy threw the jacket on ground close to him, and Nichole finally sat down on the same level with her date.

“Why are we here, exactly?” Nichole asked.

“Uh…” Nikki scratched his head, “I honestly didn’t know where else to go, but I thought this would be nice. It’s rather… mysterious.”

They both laughed together, “That’s true, depending on how you look at it,” Nichole replied. Anything special she had felt before had worn off and she was as sober as one could be. Because of that, feeling the mystery of the parking lot in the middle of the night wasn’t far from feeling, how shitty and dingy the place was and how anyone could come and make this moment worse.

They kept chatting like that, and Nikki without a doubt felt some kind of pride in the fact, that he had gotten Nichole to open up, he felt like she wasn’t as snarky and rude with her comments to him as she was any other time of the day.

“So…” Nikki began, “Are you gonna stay over? That would probably be better than rushing home right now.”

Nichole bit her lip. She’d been thinking about this the entire night, actually, “Well, I only have the things I brought with me,” she motioned to the small bag next to her, “and these clothes I’m wearing. I don’t know if that’s enough to be staying over like that…”

“Oh, who fucking cares. I can give you one of my shirts if you need anything to sleep in. I’m sure they would fit you like a night gown anyway,” Nikki smirked, leaving Nichole speechless for a bit. Sleeping in some rockstar’s house, her friends being wherever else, wearing his shirt… What else? Nichole grew anxious, speeding through all the scenarios, that could happen, if she said yes.

“I will take your silence as a yes then.”

“Wait!” Nichole suddenly said, ready to ask as many questions as she needed, to leave the guy confused, “But where would I sleep? Do you guys have a spare guest room or anything?”

Nikki just shrugged, “Well, you could sleep on the couch, if you don’t mind,” and Nichole thought that wasn’t such a bad option, “Or you could sleep in my room,” he flashed his regular smile at her, “I swear, it’s nice and shit.”

Nikki felt a weird feeling grow in the pit of her stomach. It wasn’t necessarily bad, just something about the thought of sleeping in the same bed with a guy like that – or any guy in general, because she had only a few expriences and lots of anxiety – made her stomach do different circus tricks she didn’t know it could do.

“Okay, well, if you really wanna go home, we can get you a taxi,” Nikki got up from the ground, and held out a hand for Nichole.

Before answering, she took it and got up with his help. He was just as strong as he seemed to be, the girl thought.

Neither of them moved though, Nichole just looked up at the guy and said, “I’ll stay over, it’s whatever. I’m very tired, anyway. Just promise you won’t pull anything weird, when I’m sleeping or something.”

“Ha,” Nikki expressed his disbelief, “You still don’t think very highly of me.”

“I’m just being cautious.”

“It’s fine, I promise I won’t do anything weird, unless you want me to,” he promised and moved forward with his hand around the girl’s shoulder.

A/N feel like this was a really good chapter! i also went back and edited all the previous chapters, not much has changed, except i made it better, so if you care, check out!

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