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IT WAS ALREADY NEXT WEEK and Saturday had come around again. Exactly a week ago Nikki Sixx promised Nichole, that he's going to convince her to go on a date with him, yet she hadn't seen him since. The rest of the band had visited twice, but they never said anything about Nikki; nor did Nichole even ask, she didn't know what to expect, if she would. She was starting to think Nikki might've given up on trying to get a date with Nichole and is now getting with someone else, maybe. Nichole just reminded herself that it wasn't that serious, and a guy like Nikki could easily mess up these things or simply... forget.

What was her priority, though, was the meeting the girls had arranged so they could finally meet Vanessa's mysterious significant other. Much hadn't been revealed, just that this person was a girl, which was a bit strange for Nichole to wrap her head around, not because she despised it, necessarily, just that she didn't see it coming. It can't be anything bad, Nichole thought every time she felt another wave of anxiety.

As it was a Saturday, the diner was supposed to be closed a few hours earlier than on weekdays, which meant they would have a few more hours until 8 in the evening, when the girls had to meet for dinner.

5 came around and Nichole turned around to look for Vanessa: "And, we're finally done."

"Yeah, just a second!" her friend shouted from the kitchen area. Eddie wasn't at work, after all, each of them needed a day off every now, so having only two of them working meant more tasks to do throughout the day for each.

The diner had a little storage room, where the staff could also leave their personal belongings. So Nichole went in to grab the keys, and with shaking hands the girl tried to close the door.

"Hey, so, I hear Eddie will have a date for the dinner as well," Vanessa mentioned, as they were walking home: "Are you okay with being the one... date-less? I mean -" Nikki's friend stuttered, "I don't mean that in a bad way, I was just wondering if that won't make you feel uncomfortable or left out, or something... I want you to enjoy the evening as much as everyone else."

"Oh, no worry, I'll be fine! This won't be the first time I'll be in a situation like this anyway, I can enjoy myself and the rest of you guys' company just as much," Nichole laughed to ease off the weird tention.

But once the girl finally got home and seated herself on her couch, she started thinking... Did she really want to be there all alone? After she's been stood up by a guy who said he would ask her out and then never did? Nikki felt a little betrayed and couldn't choose if she wanted to call in sick or show up anyway, just to show everyone how okay she is alone, because she doesn't need anyone to be confident. And that was true, she didn't need anyone else to be good, to feel good, to enjoy the moments of life, to be fulfilled and happy, and confident - that's what she believed in, but for once she wanted to actually have someone to share this happiness and confidence with. Perhaps, it was because her friends had that, but she didn't. And then Nichole realised the small spark of envy growing in her chest, just waiting to explode and make her feel miserable all of a sudden. And she hated it. She didn't want to feel it. She didn't want to be a person, who craved something, that other people had and she didn't. The feeling annoyed her and she wanted to get rid of it, but the girl knew it wouldn't happen.  Perhaps, wanting something you personally don't have, but your close ones do have, isn't anything wrong or anything to be ashamed of. But Nichole was ashamed of it and was afraid to admit to herself, that this is what she's feeling right now.

So what Nichole decided to do was just go to that dinner. Just stop being so dramatic, she told herself, it's gonna be okay, and this isn't the end of the world.


"HEY! THE friends greeted each other, and Nichole walked in their apartment.

"So, um, there's a... surprise guest, so to say," Vanessa slowly said the words.

Nichole saw where this was going. Or she felt like she knew. What other surprise guest could it be, other than...

"Who could it be? Robert Plant?" Nichole replied, trying to crack a joke about her love for Led Zeppelin, while trying to hide her panic.

Vanessa smiled and rolled her eyes: "Sure, silly. I wish it was him, too, trust me."

As she walked into the living room and saw everyone sitting on the couch and on different chairs around a table they had put there for this occasion, she saw everyone. And she saw not only one head with long back hair, but two. And for a second she hoped that maybe it's her friend's girlfriend, but it was a silly thought, and she knew it. One of the black haired heads turned to her direction, as she sat down at the table, and grinned at her.

"Oh, you're here!" Sixx said. Nichole just nodded slowly in response, "I... uh-," he awkwardly continued.

"What is it?"

Without finishing the sentence, the bassist got up from his seat and carelessly walked over behind Nichole. He hugged the girl from behind, since she was sitting down, like some kind of old friend. He leaned closer to Nikki's ear and she shivered, feeling his breath on her neck. She just didn't expect it.

"So... you're here alone... And I am too... I promised to get a date with you, and- well, this is also my last chance to get you to go out with me and I won't let it go, so... be my date for tonight?" Nikki whispered in Nichole's ear.

Nikki was still holding the girl in his embrace, so she had no way out of this. She had to think fast. But she couldn't. Her thoughts were running back and forth, until she turned her head, basically staring into the soul of this guy, and said: "And why should I say yes?" not even turning her head back, the two of them just staring at each other closely.

"Because... I promised I would get a date with you and this is me asking?"

Instead of replying, she untangled herself out of his arms with her own shaky hands, got up and went into the kitchen to help her friends with some stuff.

"So, we're on a date now!" Nikki yelled after Nichole, and she laughed as she approached her friends.

Someone in the living room grunted, "Yeah, we figured from the way you basically fucking breathed her face in."

Nichole blushed hearing that.

"What is happening?" Eddie looked confused but amused at the same time.

"I... guess I got a date for tonight?" she furrowed her eyebrows, "This guy sure used the very last chance he had to ask me out, as he promised. Smart."

Vanessa rolled her eyes, but she smiled, looking Nichole in the eyes. Eddie grabbed some plates of the food they had prepared in the kitchen and said:"Let's bring this in! A... trouble.. date...? A trouble date!"


HOLY shit I haven't uploaded in nearly a year! But this quarantine and self isolation has me both depressed and bored so here we go!

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