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NICHOLE TOOK A quick glance over her shoulder again, just to check if the guys were still behind them.

"I wonder what they're up to, they've been walking behind us all this time," Nichole frowned.

"I don't think they're like... following us or somethinh. I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if they did but like why," Eddie took a glance back too, "What can I say, we'll just find out later."

"Anyway," Vanessa suddenly interrupted, "You know what we haven't done in a while? Went to the movies. We used to do that a lot more than we do now so I say this weekend we go to the movies!"

"And back then we also didn't have as much work," Nichole replied immediately, "But I mean, yeah, we definitely should, it's always fun!"

Eddie chuckled, "You'd be the last person I'd expect to say our movie dates are fun."

Nichole suddenly didn't know what to say, still in shock from the fact that her friend had just outed her like that, "Hey, don't be such a meanie! It's you two who always want to go and watch horror movies! And I agree because I want you guys to be happy, even if it means I'm constantly gonna be jumping in my seat scared and even if it means I'll be jumping around for the next day or two when I hear any noise!"

"Okay, okay, sorry, babe, didn't mean to hurt your feelings," Eddie lightly bumped her fist at her friends' shoulders.

And so they walked the rest of the way home, just talking about what films they'd like to watch, what music they've been listening to lately and what they like and what they don't, they, yet again, tried convincing Vanessa that David Lee Roth is hot but she, yet again, refused to agree to that.

"Well, I guess this is where our path together ends," Eddie dramatically said once they had reached the apartment building, where Eddie and Vanessa lived together. Since they had the night out, they had decided to move in together to cut down their living expenses. Nichole's apartment was just a ten to fifteen minutes long walk away. Of course, she could take the bus too but, first of all, she didn't like waiting nor being in the bus and, second, she liked walking all the way and seeing the magnificent- or sometimes the complete opposite- scene of LA's streets.

"Maybe you'd like to stay here for the night? It'd be cool!" Vanessa offered.

"Oh, yeah, I could!" Nichole smiled, it seemed like she liked the idea of that, but her face changed a second later, "How about tomorrow? I'm not really prepared for it right now. Or I can go home, get my stuff and come back? Or you guys could go in and get some of your stuff and come to my place while I'll just go there now and get the place clean and ready?"

"I've never seen you being so indecisive!" Eddie dramatically joked, "But, yeah, let's just do it tomorrow, then we can also plan out what are we gonna do and watch and all that jazz."

"Oh, yeah, we can plan out what scary movie we should watch," Vanessa winked at her.

"While I am going to come up with a plan how to nicely but also not attack you for that," Nichole winked back but couldn't hold back her laughter.

After all, the girls hugged and said their goodbyes. Walking away, Nikki heard Vanessa saying that they should watch The Fly again. Nichole found it a bit weird but at the same time not surprising at all that her friend loved that movie.

And so she just went her own way home.

Around a minute later, when she had already gotten lost in her own thoughts, someone interrupted, "Hey, wait!"

Nichole turned her head around just to see the black-haired bassist Sixx.

"I... Have been waiting for a chance... To talk to you..." He said taking a breath after every few seconds, as if he had just run a marathon.

Nichole decided to stop and give the weird guy the chance he had just been talking about. Even if Nikki didn't seem like he was gonna tell her anything a sober person would. But Nichole realised that maybe a funny story could come out of it. She was, without a doubt, interested in knowing what their secret plan was at least.

"You know, I was thinking about..." Nikki paused for a couple seconds, "stuff, and I came to an absolutely fucking fantastic conclusion. Do you wanna hear about it?"

"Do I have a choice?" Nichole smirked, trying to hold back her laughter.

"So, hear me out." Nikki looked into her eyes, "It would be the most epic thing if we got marrie-"


"No, no, wait! As I was saying it'd be epic, I mean, not because I'd be married to you, but maybe that could be fucking sick, but because then your name would be Nichole Sixx... But most people call you Nikki anyway, so people would call you Nikki Sixx. But my name is Nikki Sixx too, so basically we would both be Nikki Sixxes. Don't you think that's epic?"

Nichole was in confusion, "That's not even possible! People who know me would just call me Nikki and not use my last name and people who don't would call me Nichole because they don't know my nickna-"

"Why'd you have to ruin the fun? It's a genius idea, without a doubt, I don't fucking care." Nikki dramatically stopped her speech.

"Well, it's pretty interesting, may I say," Nichole slowly said, "So what are we going to do with this information?"

Suddenly Sixx looked like he didn't know what to say, "I don't fucking know, uh, I mean, there's a lot of things we could do. Like, for example, you could go out on a date with me?"

"Oh," that took Nichole by surprise, she stopped walking and laughed, "that was smooth."


"Wait, you're not joking?" Nichole looked over at the guy.

"Of course I'm not! I never ask girls out this politely, a lot of the times it's already over before I can ask them out," he quickly mumbled the end, "but I actually put the effort in because I thought you'd like it."

For a few seconds Nichole was really confused and didn't know what to do. She was wondering if she should just say no, run away, keep laughing at it as a joke or... pretend like she's actually gonna think about it. Because, she thought, perhaps she wanted to think about it.

"Well, since you were so polite, I'll think about it," she smiled at him and started walking again, this time without Nikki following her.

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