*Time skip to the weekend at Kara's first meeting Louis (manager)*

"That was great Kara! I would love to work with you" Louis replied after watching Kara do a few readings he had provided.


"She has great potential; I'll keep you updated with anything I can find" Louis says to Kara's parents.

"Wonderful! Thank you so much for meeting with us Louis" Kara's mum says

They say goodbye to Louis and head back home. Kara heads up to her room to find Ruel sitting on her bed playing on his guitar. He notices her entering and looks up.

"Hey, how did the meeting go?" Ruel asks.

"Great, Louis said there's a few auditions coming up for new shows and is trying to find a good one for me to try for" Kara explains

"Wow, that's so cool"


*Time skip*

Louis gets back to Kara and her parents saying that there is an audition for a new Netflix show in Gold Coast. Kara and her parents decided it would be great to try out and the show being filmed not too far away from them was a bonus.

The audition is on the weekend Kara and her parents fly over the Gold Coast. Kara's auditions for the main role Ella in the show "Butterfly" (not a real show I just made it up for this), which is about Ella who has trouble fitting in the many cliques at school and is trying to find a friend.

Kara's audition goes better than good and she gets called back.

"Hey Ruel! I haven't seen you in so long" Kara says on FaceTime with Ruel.

"I know I miss you, but I'm really proud of how you're doing" Ruel says

"Thanks, so what's the homework for today?" Kara says.

Ruel had been sending Kara the school work for the past two weeks while she was busy in Gold Coast.

*Ruel's Perspective*

Kara has been in the Gold Coast for two weeks now. As much as I support my friend I couldn't help but feel a little empty without her presence here. Face timing her helps but it's not the same.

"So, Mrs. Wilson was kind today and has saved you from any homework" I say to Kara through the small screen.

Her face lights up as she hears the new


I laugh at her goofy behaviour, I miss that.

"Why the long face?" She questions my look I wasn't aware I was making.

Before I could reply a boy walks up behind Kara and whispers something in her ear. I couldn't help but feel... angry? Sad? What is happening to me?

"Oh I have to go now Ruel the audition is starting" She says looking back at me


"This is James by the way he is also auditioning for the show and the directors are trialing us together today. To see if we work together well and things like that" She explains

"Hey James. Well, enjoy I will talk to you later" I reply before ending the call.

*Kara's Perspective*

That was weird

*Third Person Perspective*

"All right have you two gotten your scripts and read the lines?" The director asks Kara and James.

"Yeah" Both of them reply.

"Ok great lets start"

*Time Skip at the Airport*

Kara gets the lead role of Ella and James gets the role of Matt who is another lead character in the show. Filming starts in two weeks so Kara and her parents head back to Sydney. They board off the plane and head to the bag claim to grab their bags.

"There it is!" Maia says as she sees that last of her bag come through the belt.

"Where are my bags?" Kara says as she watches her mum walk over to the belt and grab the suitcase.

"Be patient Kara it should be coming through soon" Kace says patting Kara's shoulders then helping Maia organise the suitcases onto the trolley.

"We'll be right back Kara, you stay here and keep and eye out for your bag" Maia says as she grabs the trolley and walks off with Kace somewhere into the airport.

Kara leans her elbows on to the handle of her trolley and watches the baggage belt revolve around for what seems like hours. Suddenly she feels a pair of arms wrap around her waist, due to her fast reflexes she grabs their hands and turns herself around wrapping the person with their owns hands around their chest.

"Who are-Ruel?"

"Hey, Kara" Ruel says trying to look up at Kara. His head was rested on her left shoulder and since he was slightly taller than Kara his legs were bent in an awkward position. She quickly let go of Ruel's hands however seeing Ruel had all his weight on Kara, the sudden loss of contact caused him to loose balance and fall.

"Oh sorry" Kara says putting her hand out to assist Ruel in getting back onto his feet.

He grabs her hand and pulls her down with him.


She lands on top of him, resulting in a groan from both of them, but she rolls off to his side both of them laying on their backs.

"Nice to see you still remember what we learnt in those self defence classes" Ruel says looking over Kara

"One can never be too cautious"

"What are you two doing on the ground?" A familiar voice says from above them. They both look up to see Coco looking down on them.

"Nothing" Both of them reply, none of them making any effect of getting up any time soon.

"Kara? Isn't that your bag?" Maia says pushing the trolley back into the place it was in before they had left.

Kara quickly shoots up and looks over at the belt to see her suitcase laying on it.

"Finally!" She says running over to grab it before it gets any further.

Once the Danvers and placed all their bags into the SUV the Van Dijk's had brought down they took their seats. Ralph was in the drivers seat with Kace in the passenger seat. Maia and Coco sat in the next seats leaving Ruel and Kara in the back. Kate and Sylvie were waiting at home since there wasn't going to be enough room for all of them in the car with their bags in the boot as well.

It was an hours drive back to the house, Ruel and Kara were sharing some headphones singing along to the music.

"Kara sing louder!" Ruel says yelling a little.

"No, I like hearing you sing" She replies

"I want to hear your voice too"

"It's not good, take my word for it"

Ruel looks over at Kara and pouts but she turns away continuing her soft singing.

*Ruel's Perspective*

Kara turns her head away from me. We've been best friends for 11 years almost 12 and I've never heard her sing, properly at least. Most times she joking around or screaming the lyrics. I smile to myself at the thought of that and rest my head of her shoulder.

"One day I will hear it mark my words"


1690 WORDS

Hello little cheese sticks! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please Vote and Comment what you think!!

Pizza OUT 🍕

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