"We heard that Kara was going into acting" Ralph (Ruel's dad) says to Maia (Kara's mum). Kara had told the news to the rest of the Van Dijks earlier.

"So, she spilled the beans huh?" Maia says looking over at Kara who smiled a toothy grin back, her mouth filled with food. Beside her Ruel laughs at her response.

"You're crazy you know?" He says

"Yes I know and I have you to keep reminding me" Kara replies turning her head to smile at Ruel, her mouth closed this time.

"We've been thinking about this for a while now. Kara's speech and drama teacher has been bugging us for years to take her to an audition. Many of her examiners have even talked to us privately after her exams about her work, they were very impressed. They say she has a natural talent, must be a first?" Kace (Kara's dad) says.

"Hey!" Kara pouts.

*Time skip again to after dinner*

"HOW COULD YOU!" Kara yells at Ruel before running up the stairs to his room, grabbing her pj's and slamming the bathroom door.

She quickly gets changed and slips into Ruel's double bed. Even though she was mad at him for his unbelievable actions his bed was much comfier than Coco and Sylvie's. After a few minutes Kara started to drift off to sleep. There was a faint creak of the door opening but Kara was too tired to notice. However, the slight dip in the bed caught her attention. She turned her head to see Ruel in his pj's looking back at Kara.

"Sorry" Ruel says.

Kara scoffs and turns her back on Ruel.

"Come on Kara don't be like that" Ruel says turning onto his side as well facing Kara's back.


"Please... I'm sorry"

"Ugh, all right. You are forgiven" Kara says turning back around to face Ruel.

"There we go! I knew you wouldn't get mad on something so small" Ruel says.

Kara gasps grabbing her heart dramatically.

"'Something so small'" Kara quotes "Eating someone's cheesecake is NEVER something small, it is a crime"

Ruel rolls his eyes, "It was one bite"

"Uhm, taking half of my cheesecake slice is not classified as 'one bite'" Kara says

"To me it is" Ruel says smirking

Kara laughs, lightly punching Ruel in the stomach.

"Night" Kara says rolling back onto her side


*Monday morning*

Ruel's perspective

My alarm goes off at 8, I quickly turn it off and get comfy in my bed again. I looked over at Kara who had her limbs spread across the bed. One hand above her head, the other dangling off the bed, one leg on top of mine and the other peeking out of the blanket. I smiled to myself, she is such a goof. What did I do to deserve a friend like her?

"Kara" I whispered

"Mm" she replied

"You wanna get up?"

"Is that even a question?" She says quietly in her sleep

"How could I be so stupid, five more minutes?" I say

She smiled her eyes still closed.

*Time skip after lunch time*

Third person perspective

The bell rang signalling the end of lunch. Kara, Ruel and their friends, Madi, Ivy, David and Josh (not doing face claims so use your imagination) grabbed their things and headed to their second to last class, Math.

They entered the class and took their seats. Kara and Ruel sat next to each other at the back of the class. Mrs. Wilson told them to get out their workbooks and continue working where they last left off. Math was one of Kara's best subject, following Drama, Art and Science. However, you couldn't say the same for Ruel.

"Ugh, Math is going to be the death of me!" Ruel says.

"Don't give up so easily Ruel. With my help you will be fine" Kara smiles

Once the lesson had ended, they packed up their books and got ready for their next class, English. Mrs. Wilson handed them pieces of paper and explained their tasks to write a small poem about anything. English was Ruel's best subject. A close second to music. He had written lots of short songs and poems that he would sing to Kara occasionally. Whereas for Kara English was not her best subject.

"Ugh, English is going to be the death of me!" Kara exclaims repeating what Ruel had said during Math.

Ruel smirked and replied with, "Don't give up so easily Kara. With my help you will be fine"

"Ha ha very funny" Kara says clearly not amused.

"Let me see what you have so far" Ruel says leaning across and grabbing the piece of paper off Kara's desk.

Ruel reads out loud the lines Kara had jotted down.

"And I'm holding on for dear life, won't look down won't open my eyes. Keep my glass full until morning light, 'cause I'm just holding on for tonight " Ruel looks up at Kara. She groans and rests her head on the table.

"Nice try. Chandelier, Sia?" Ruel says and continues to read on.

"I'm not good at a one night stand

But I still need love 'cause I'm just a man

These nights never seem to go to plan

I don't want you to leave

Will you hold my hand. Stay with me, Sam Smith?"

Ruel chuckles as another groan escapes Kara's lips.

"Shine bright like a diamond, shine bright like a diamond? Ok there is lots of work to be done here" Ruel says placing the piece of paper back onto Kara's desk as she lifts her head back up.

The rest of the lesson was spent with Kara trying her best not to quote anymore songs and Ruel finishing his many poems.

The bell rings, school is over.


1444 WORDS

Hey little cheese sticks! Here's my first story, the first few chapters are going to be introduction chapters so just hang with me here. Please vote and comment what you think!

Pizza OUT 🍕

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