Chapter 4: Words of Battle

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Sub zero sat in her throne room. Seated on the ground in front of her was the thunder God and the one who has occupied her thoughts till now; Scorpion. The three warriors sat deathly silent, not a single sound or motion being made.

Scorpion had a new look. He sported a new mask, swords, and had a hood pulled over his head. Instead of armour, he wore a yellow vest. What he wore seemed to be a Shirai Ryu assassin attire. Though she would never admit it, she thought he looked better like this.

It seemed like an eternity in the empty, ice cold room. Bi-Han had enough of the awkwardness and decided to break the silence.

"So, what brings you here, God of Thunder?" She quizzed, purposely leaving out the nether realm spectre. She had enough of constantly thinking about him, and him actually being here was putting her on edge.

Inside, she also feeling weird. As if butterfly's were let loose inside her internal organs. She also felt Scorpions burning glare in her skull, the heat literally radiating from him.

"We are here to seek your aid." Raiden answered. The God sat with his legs and arms cross, eyes closed as he spoke. The fire demon grunted to confirm.

Though they could not tell, she was become wary and nervous.

Just sitting near the man who had spared her life was throwing her off.

"What do you need my help with?" The cyromancer asked.

Raiden opened his eyes slightly, and narrowed them to the grandmaster of the Lin Kuei.

"Hours ago, at when of the special forces camps, they were attacked by strange looking people, their looks varying. All weapons and supplies gone. Nothing left un-looted.Though what intrigued me, and another reason for my being here, is that some of the attackers looked like Lin Kuei. The attack was caught on footage from a hidden camera, and my eyes do not deceive what I saw."

Sub zeros nervousness turned to one of confusion and anger. This man had just demanded to meet with her, bring one of her clans greatest enemies with him, and then accuse her clan of something as absurd as an attack on her own allies. Her patience and control was slowly wilting away.

"You are stating that my assassins are behind this attack?" She quizzed him. The man in front of her nodded. "Impossible! I have not sent my assassins on missions for days, let alone order them to attack some petty camp. And none would dare to defy my orders or act on their own." She claimed angrily.

The fire demon, who had sat down saying nothing for the longest time, decided to tune in.

"Maybe they knew how unjustified your rule is, and decided to take matters into their own hands and do what they thought best. After all, that's what I would do if I had an unfit grandmaster." He commented tauntingly. Sub zero could feel the ice crawling up her arm and covering her shoulders as she flowed with rage.

"How dare you run your mouth Shirai Ryu scrum!" She shouted at Scorpion. The latter let out a low growl, slowly beginning to stand up. "Watch your tongue, Lin Kuei filth, or I just might cut it out for you." He seethed through his teeth.

The two quickly shot up from their spots and glared at their opposites, their face just inches away from each other. Raiden sat still, sighing in disappointment. "Please, let us not resort to violence." He voiced to the two warriors, trying to defuse the situation, but as luck would have it the two were at each other's throats by the time his words left his mouth.

"You should have killed me when you had the chance, Scorpion." She growled. Said combatant gave a low and dangerous chuckle.

"Do not worry, sub zero." He spat. "I tend to correct that mistake!" He yelled as jumped back and threw his spear towards the grandmaster. Sub zero rolled to the left, dodging the thrown weapon and rushed him, delivering a roundhouse kick.

The fire demon ducked underneath her leg landed a powerful punch to her stomach that made her stumble back. The cyromancer snarled and ran at him once again.

Scorpion mimicked this action and charged. As the two were closing in on the other, Sub zero launched an ice ball, freezing Scorpions feet before upper cutting him. The hell spawn teleported before he hit the floor, and reappeared behind the grandmaster, and summoned a sword. Sub zero quickly created an ice sword and swirled around for her blade to meet Scorpions.

The two were using most of their strength to push. Raiden, who had been a bystander to the battle, had his patience run out. "Enough!" He boomed as bolts of lightning shot at the two. Both of them fell to the ground in pain as the electricity ran through their bodies and muscles. Raiden the thunder God walked to the two fallen fighters.

"It is time to stop this nonsense." He declared. The thunder God reached a hand out to the duo, Sub zero who graciously took it, while Scorpion swatted his hand away. "We sought out your temple to converse about pressing matters, not to fight pointless battles." Sub zero nodded in agreement while Scorpion exhaled sharply. She couldn't help herself, the grandmaster Sub zero looked outside through a window. The sun was setting Behind the horizon and the moon was rising, coating the sky in black. Sub zero looked back to her guests and thought for a second.

Though she didn't want to Scorpion to sleep here, she offered them to stay in her temple for the night, to which Raiden accepted for the both of them. It would be rude on her behalf to not let her guests, let alone the thunder God, to walk all the way back to where they came from. Scorpion did not speak after the fight, he just watched as Raiden and Sub zero conversed about the recent attacks.

Soon, they all retired to their rooms. The cyromancer was walking down her hallway, ever so tired from the encounter. She released a silent yawn. It was 7:50pm at her temple. Though she was tired, she needed to do something first. She needed to have that talk with Kuai Liang.

(As always, another chapter has been released. Sorry I took so long, I was sick but now I'm fine. As always, till next time, this is Mr_kodeo signing out.)

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