And finally, MJ. Her hair fell neatly around her face and down her back, and the mermaid cut dress hugged her curves perfectly. Peter's vision blurred, and all he could see was her. Peter swallowed thickly, tears prickling his eyes as he took in the sight of the woman he was about to marry.

"Peter," MJ hissed, knocking him with her elbow lightly. Peter snapped out of his daze and lit up in a blush while a ripple of soft giggling washed over the room.

There ceremony was quick and simple, and before anyone could say anything, the happy couple was dancing the night away.

"You both ready for the trip?" Wade asked. It was late, and the party had faded down to just family and close friends.

"Well," MJ sent Peter a sideways glance. "We've cut it down to 5 days instead of 13."

"What? Why?" Ned nearly jumped out of his seat.

"We don't want to be away from work too long, especially when we just took over." Peter shrugged, and pulled MJ closer to him. She leaned into his shoulder, taking in his cologne.

"I can't believe you two," Wade grumbled.

"Can't believe these two about what?" Natasha came wandering over, a drink held loosely in her hand.

""They cut their honeymoon by over a week!" Wanda gasped mockingly, and Shuri giggled.

"Oh, perfect!" Natasha turned away and cupped a hand over her mouth. "Tones, you owe me 50 bucks! They did cut it short!"

Everyone laughed at that, and Peter and MJ rolled their eyes. "Whatever," Peter sighed. "We do have to get going soon, though," he admitted, checking his watch.

Everyone gathered on the helipad on the roof, waving wildly as the two got into a waiting chopper and took off.

"Bets they come home after day 3?" Wade looked around, and quite a few people took him up on the offer.


Sure enough, Peter and MJ were spotted landing on the roof after their 3rd day away. Wade was the first one to see them, seeing as he was in MJ's office looking for some paperwork when the frazzled looking woman came stumbling in.

"Wade!" MJ hugged her friend close, then pulled away and immediately went to work. "I heard we have a lawsuit coming in? What the hell happened?"

"How did you-"

"Emmy has been my secretary for a year now, you didn't really expect her to not tell me, did you?"

Wade collapsed into MJ's desk chair, throwing his head back. "I didn't want you guyss to come back early, really, I can handle this!"

MJ raised an eyebrow. "What the extension for the law office downstairs?"

Wade stared back at her.

"Thought so," MJ quipped, and the two got down to business. Wade would never admit it, but he was happy to have MJ back.

Meanwhile, Ned was downstairs in the labs when he spotted his best friend rushing down the hall.

"Peter?" The young man poked his head out of the lab door, and Peter wheeled backwards.

"Hey, man, heard we're getting sued? Anyways, gotta go, we're having dinner in the penthouse tonight, come on up when you're done." Ned watched as Peter dashed into the elevator. He pulled out his phone and sent Wade a quick text.

Ned: Guess I owe you $35 now?


Everyone gathered around the table, each one curious as to why they were having a formal family dinner. Sure, the whole gang usually ate together anyways, but it was weird that Peter had invited them. To their own house. For dinner.

"Any idea what's going on?" Tony's whisper was theatrical at most, fully aware that MJ and Peter could hear him.

"No idea," Morgan quipped quickly, her hands flying over her phone.

"Is that the boy?" Steve wiggled an eyebrow at his niece, who blushed lightly.

"His name is Charlie, and he's just a friend."

Everyone knew it wasn't true, Morgan had been talking about this Charlie for weeks now, and Wanda, Natasha, and Pepper were all in on the secret that Morgan had been sneaking off to coffee with him every Friday.

Alyona and Nadia, who were only 12 and 9, were both thoroughly confused. "Why can't Morgan have a friend who's a guy?"

Everyone laughed, and Clint leaned over to explain things to his daughters.

"Dinner!" MJ announced. Peter came in with a salad bowl and set it down, heading back into the kitchen for a large pan of spaghetti for everyone. Steve helped his nephew serve, and Tony went to grab everyone drinks.

Everyone settled in. There was a moment of silence when everyone was content to focus on the food they were shoveling into their mouths, and then the table shook violently and and everyone looked up in alarm.

"Oh, oops," Peter said sheepishly. "My bad."

"Why're you bouncing your knee, Pete? You only do that when you get excited." Tony returned to his food.

Peter shot a glance to MJ, who smiled and tilted her head. Peter frowned and shook his head, only to light back up with a smile when MJ nodded at him.

"Okay, out with it," Stephan said, his eyes tracking between the two.

Everyone looked up at the couple in the middle of the table.

"Peter looks like he's gonna 'splode," Nadia giggled. Everyone smiled, but kept quiet.

"MJ's pregnant," The young man gushed. Everyone sat shocked for a moment, then erupted into happy congratulations.

"Jeez, this Tower is going to be kid central for a while longer, then," Clint chuckled, and Natasha smacked his arm playfully.

Ned clapped Peter on the shoulder, his words failing him. Peter, who understood this, simply thanked his friend quietly and laughed at the shocked face Ned was making.

"I can't believe I'm going to be a grandfather!" Tony jumped up to hug his son, and Peter was beyond surprised when he felt his feet leave the ground and his father spin him around.

MJ was immediately surrounded by the family, each one wrapping her in hugs and happy thoughts. Peter watched with a small smile on his lips.

He'd survived a lot in the last 28 years. Bullying, press, kidnapping, torture, and college. He was ready to take on whatever came next, even something like this. After all, he had a whole super-family to support him. Peter Parker Stark was happy as hell, and nothing was going to change that.

**A/N: And there's the end. Guys, this was one of the hardest stories for me to let go, I've poured a lot of time and work into this particular series and thinking of a way to end it, walk away, and be satisfied was nearly impossible, but I think I did it.

I want to thank everyone who reads my work. I honestly went into this whole thing thinking I would get a whole 100 views, so to come in at over 40k on my first book was amazing. I never thought I'd end up writing a sequel, yet here I am, and the support I have gotten means the world to me. Without so much positive feedback, I doubt I would have kept writing. I'm so glad I did, though!

While this story is over, I'm still going to be writing. I'm keeping up a one-shot book for the MCU, so check that out if you haven't already, and I'll probably start a new book soon, but I still don't know what about.

Thanks again, and I'll see y'all on my other works.


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