Today (3 poems)

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Twisted mind(s)

it takes the right heart's to understand you
To understand what is going on underneath the surface
To know why is going on what is going on

It takes the right person to know why
It takes the most broken souls to feel you

But only the most twisted minds go trough the same thing

And lord how few of them twisted minds are around

dead roses

god how much people want you
You are a dozen red dead roses
And people seem to love it
How sharp your thorns are that leave marks on peoples skin
The sweet smell still hanging in the thick are of lust and arousal
But lord you are rotten

And its disgusting
But lord how much I want the red marks on my skin to and to have the drying petals scattered around me
When its finished and it ends in the next morning as it all died

Like the rotten red dead rose you are

dry ink

no blood offer is worthy enough
To serve as the dripping ink spilled onto these sheets

Eventually drying up in a puddle of a orange brown color
But fuck yours could make me write for ages at it excites me to see

Sadly it would come to an end as you cant draw blood forever

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2019 ⏰

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