The goddess of war - AU part 1

Start from the beginning

Just as he brought his fist up and Harrison cowered, I yelled out, "NO!" My hand subconsciously went out towards him even though I was too far way. The next thing I knew, I heard a ringing sound after a thump, followed by the clank of my metal water bottle hitting the ground.

I looked to see the second man on the ground with a bleeding nose and a red mark across his face. The first man looked at me shocked and scared. He pointed a finger at me and yelled, "F-freak! Y-you're a freak!" He quickly ran away, stumbling over himself as he ran.

Wait. What the hell just happened? I looked to Harrison who looked from me to the water bottle on the ground. His face wasn't scared or anything. He just pursed his lips and looked at me, "What hell just happened?" I asked confused. I didn't see anything. I don't get how my water bottle even got out the pocket of my bag. How did it hit the man in the face? Why did it?

"Come on." He mumbled. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me back down the street. He went at a fast pace on his crutches and I had to jog to keep up with him.

"Harrison? What just happened? I didn't touch my water bottle! How did it hit that guy back there? Why did they call me a freak? I didn't do anything!" 

"Yes. You did." He finally spoke.

"What? What did I do?!" I asked still confused. He didn't answer, he just kept going down the street. We turned a corner and found ourselves back at my house, "What are we doing back here? What about school?" Once agin he didn't answer me so I stopped walking.

"Harrison!" He finally stopped once he reached the base of the stairs. He turned around to face me and sighed.

"Look. There is a lot going on here that you don't understand right now. So we need to get you inside right now and sort it out. Now come on." Without another word he turned and made his way up the stairs. I huffed and just decided to follow after him, "Mrs. Holland!" He called out to my Mum.

"Shouldn't you be at school?" My step dad grumbled from the table and gave me that same threatening look he always does. I just ignored him and walked into the lounge room. I heard steps from upstairs as Mum came down to us.

She soon came out to where we were, "Oh, hello. Is there something wrong? Did Tom forget his laptop again or one of his books?" She asked.

"No." Harrison said simply, "There was an incident." Mum creased her eyebrows together in confusion.

"What kind of 'incident'..." She asked carefully. Harrison didn't answer. Instead he just looked at her firmly. After a moment Mum's eyes widened and she pointed to me. Harrison nodded in confirmation to whatever they both knew was happening.

"Can someone please explain to me what is happening already!?" I burst. But it did nothing. They both kept ignoring me and Mum immediately ran up the stairs, "Harrison! For god's sake. What is going on?" I grabbed his arm and he turned around to finally face me.

"Tom..." he paused, "We will explain in the car. But we need to leave. Now that you've unlocked your ability, they'll be able to find you." He explained.

"What? Who's 'they'? Why are they looking for me?" I was getting even more confused every second, "...what 'ability'?" At that, Mum came back down the stairs with a suitcase.

"Boys let's go. Now. In the car." She instructed as she walked past us at a fast pace.

"What- Mum. Wait." I started.

"There is not time to wait. We need to go. Right now." She said firmly and we followed her out to the kitchen.

"Hey hey hey. Where do you think you're going?" My step dad shouted suddenly. Instead of replying with some sort of apology of an answer like mum usually would, she ignored him completely and walked straight out, "HEY! DON'T IGNORE ME!" Harrison grabbed my arm and we went out the door, I could hear my step dad yelling at us from inside and heard him coming after us.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2019 ⏰

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