Ch. 27: Christmas

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"Kiara Malfoy."

Chapter 27: Christmas

Over the next few days, Harry and Kiara returned to their normal selves again. Hermione joined them a few days earlier, announcing that skiing with her parents wasn't all that she expected. Sirius' delight was starting to become contagious as he helped decorate and clean Grimmauld Place for Christmas, singing carols at the top of his voice. Garlands of holly and streamers of gold and silver hung on the chandeliers across the house. Magical snow glittered over the carpets and fell from the ceiling and a great Christmas tree hid the Black family tree from view.

Unlike everyone else, Kiara hadn't been to Grimmauld Place before. Therefore, a few days after Kiara arrived at Grimmauld Place, she discovered the Black family tree and examined it closely before the Christmas tree was erected. Her brother and herself were one of the most recent additions to the tree at the very bottom which made her wonder what Christmas was like at Malfoy Manor during this holiday season.

At the Manor, the Malfoys never celebrated Christmas like this. When Draco and Kiara were much younger, the House-Elves erected a tree and decorated it with them. But, other than those distant memories, they never decorated the Manor in colours of red, gold or silver or sung Christmas Carols together at night. On Christmas Day, they shared a few presents between them but it was no surprise that Lucius and Narcissa always gave Draco presents on the better end of the spectrum. An extravagant lunch and dinner was organised and put together by the House-Elves but otherwise, they didn't spend any time together throughout the day. Kiara could recall numerous times where she lay on her bed for most of the day and read a book to entertain herself. In all honesty, the thought of past Christmases at Malfoy Manor made her ecstatic to spend it at Grimmauld Place with the Weasley's, Harry, Hermione, Sirius and Lupin.

On Christmas morning, Kiara woke early to the feeling of being tickled. Kiara squealed with laughter, rolling around on the bed. She glared at her attacker through tears.

"Fred, stop!" Kiara cried out and he grinned mischievously but thankfully, stopped. She sat up and glared at him, inching away from him in case he decided to tickle her once more. "You can't wake me up like a normal person, can you?"

Fred smiled sheepishly. "I wanted to be the first one you see on Christmas morning."

Her expression softened. She rolled her pink eyes and pecked his lips. "Well, you were. Now come on, I want to open my presents!" There were two piles of presents at the foot of their bed, one for Fred and one for Kiara.

Hermione gifted her with a homework planner which resembled a diary but said things aloud like "If you've dotted the "i"s and crossed the "t"s then you may do whatever you please!" Ron gave her a box of assorted sweets which included Bertie Botts Every-Flavour Beans, Sugar Quills, Liquorice Wands and Chocolate Frogs. From Harry, she had a photo-album and camera which she was sure she would fill up quickly. George's present was a collection of unreleased Weasley's Wizard Wheezes products. Ginny gave her a gorgeous golden and bronze Eagle quill while Sirius and Lupin both gave her a set of excellent books on jinxes and hexes, making her grin at the thought of what she could do to a few Slytherins. Finally, Mrs Weasley knitted her traditional purple jumper with a golden K knitted across the front.

But Fred's present was absent from the pile. She raised her eyebrows at him questioningly but he was smirking. "Did you honestly think that I forgot to get you something? And, I noticed that your present was also missing!"

She smiled guiltily and leaned over the edge of the bed, pulling out his bundle of gifts from underneath. She didn't trust him to not open it before Christmas, so she needed to hide it. Firstly, she brought him a box of chocolate cauldrons to repay him for the ones he brought her at Hogsmeade earlier that year. The second gift was a chain that magically produced charms that represented special milestones or people throughout your life. The chain could be worn as a necklace, a bracelet or just a simple chain to place somewhere.

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