3.) Training Though... @.@

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A/N: *Clarification* its like a week into training so you're behind. CATCH UP SO YOU DON'T GET BEAT BY JEAN IN SPARRING READER-CHAN!!!

Upon waking up, you finally figured out your straps and slid them on almost struggle free. Almost. And after eating breakfast with your new friends, all of you headed to the field for training. At first, Shadis was just yelling a bunch of junk no one could care less about. But thankfully, soon the training started with sparring, and you noticed Erwin and Levi watching from afar as Shadis picked your first partner, Jean. And of course, he was cocky as fuck. "Well (Name), since I'm such a great fighter, I'll go easy on you. I mean come on, we both know I would win." Your anger boiled as you walked up, bitch slapped him, then swept his legs out from underneath him with your foot. He crashed into the ground and looked up at you in shock. If looks could kill, he'd be dust right about now. "Don't you DARE underestimate me. I can easily beat your sorry horse ass."

Jean smirked.

"Bring it on newbie."

He stood up quickly and attempted to trip you, but you easily dodged. Somehow, you seemed to have actual fighting skill. You thought you were just lucky at first, but it felt like years of training and fighting experience were programmed in your brain. You glanced back at Erwin, who nodded at you. 'Swag! I can actually do this without failing!' You thought as you landed a kick to Jean's side. Caught offguard, he held the newly bruising skin, giving you an oppurtunity to pounce foward, pull his leg up with your left hand, and at the same time push his chest down with your right forearm, resulting in him being pinned to the ground in shock and pain. "What were you saying Jean? You would win? Well, as you can see, you clearly SUCK ASS." Eren and Connie burst into laughter behind you at Jean's level of failure. With that, you left to find a new partner and the training went on.

Things were going pretty well for you. But let's see how long it lasts.


The following week was the first time the trainees got to practice 3DMG in the forest. Everyone was excited, especially you. Seriously. Somebody find some sedative. Anyways, everyone suited up, in a good mood from all the excitement.

"This is gonna be EPIC!!" Eren jumped up enthusiastically. Marco smiled warmly at you. "Wow, everyone is so pumped up eh (name)?"



The training began at the sound of Shadis' screech, and everyone whooshed off. The feel of the wind in your (hair color) hair was almost magical. You shut your eyes for a few seconds, taking it all in. Suddenly, you heard Sasha scream out, "(name)! Watch out!!"

Thing is, you really shouldn't close your eyes whilst soaring through a forest at high speeds. Cuz there are trees. And they're huge. And when you crash into one, it hurts really, really bad. Bad enough that you get knocked out, and plummet down to the earth from like, twenty feet in the air. Fortunately for you, Bertholdt somehow swung down fast as lightning and caught your unconscious body before you broke yourself. Armin, Marco, Connie, Sasha, Reiner, Eren, Jean, and Mikasa noticed what happened and rushed to get your bleeding self to the medics, still being carried by Bertholdt.


Its been so looooooonnng reader-chan!!! I'm so sorry.I'll update when I can, but I have a bunch of school stuff so.... yeah. Don't die in the meantime!!! Pleeeaaassssee!!!! I love you!! No homo tho!!!

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