"Will you just shut up for a minute! I need to talk to you."

Following instruction she sat on her rickety work bench and looked up at Rachel, dreading what was about to come out of her gorgeous mouth. The mouth she'd dreamed about kissing looked as if it was about to become her enemy.

"I don't even know where to start. I don't want you to think any of this is a reflection on you because regardless of what anyone says about you, you've been perfect to me."

"Why does this sound like a final speech before I never see you again?"

"No it's not like that. Ok, I had a miscarriage when we were in Manchester. It was, is probably the worst moment of my life. People kept telling me it wasn't my fault and these things happen but that's just ridiculous. It's my body, my baby and I couldn't keep it safe."

"Fuck Rach, I'm so sorry."

"Thank you but that's not the point. The point is I made a decision, finally, to try again. I've always wanted to be a mum. I want my baby to be here and have a relationship with my parents before their not here anymore. We went to a clinic and got started on fertility treatment because it just wasn't happening the old fashioned way."

"Are you trying to tell me your knocked up?"

"No! Well I don't think so."

"You don't think so? Fucking hell!"

"Danny I just-"

"No hold on love, I have a few questions already and I think you owe me them as this is the first I'm hearing of any of this. Your actively trying to get pregnant which means your sleeping with him?"


"No, no Rachel sorry, until I get this straight in my head, this is yes or no for you right now."


"Answer me, yes or no, have you slept with your him since the night we made a deal?"

"This isn't-"

"Fucking answer me Rachel."


She didn't quite know how to act. It had been Rachel's idea to not see other people and despite thinking it was ridiculous, she'd kept up her end. She felt betrayed but refused to show it.

"So do you think that's ok then cause it was just to make a baby?"

Rachel could hear the anger in her voice.

"No I'm not saying it's ok!"

"Do these fertility drugs make you super horny? Is that why your with me huh? What is it? Get your orgasms from the lesbian and a baby with him."

"Danny that's not fair."

"Fair, you wanna talk about fair, I fucking trusted you! You made me think this was real. Like properly that thing, that thing that they all fucking sing and write about and you were lying all along! It's ridiculous really, I should've known better but you should have told me this before."

"Don't act like this was all on me, you knew I was engaged when you gave me your number, you went into this knowing I was unavailable. That's probably why you let your guard down for once and actually have feelings about someone."

"I never said I have feelings."

"You fucking love me. Just admit it. Our picture is on your wall. What's so wrong with you that you can't see this for what it is?"

"Oh go on then Yoda, enlighten me, what is this?"

"This is love Danny."

"Don't fool yourself! If this is love, I don't want it."

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