Chapter 2

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I opened a drawer on the desk of the Oval Office. I saw a letter in messy handwriting. I looked it over and realized it was trumps letter.

If you're reading this I'm dead. I planned my assassination. I killed myself because I can't take the guilt anymore.  I ruined the lives of people like me who just wanted to love. I'm not afraid to say it I'm in love with Trump or I was in love since I'm now dead. We have dated for about 3ish years. I wanted to go public with it and start making better policies but Putin reminded me my approval rating would go even lower. He also didn't want to upset the people in his country. We were both terrified to tell anyone for those two reasons. Please don't arrest my planned killer he's a nice man named Jerry Green. He doesn't deserve to go to jail for doing what I asked him to do. Make sure no one in the public sees this letter, I wanted to make this seem like a accident and not a suicide. Putin, I'm sorry I left you.
Love, Trump

I read the line make sure no one in the public sees this letter again. I took a picture of the letter and posted it on Instagram. I didn't write a caption. It immediately blew the fuck up. I saw a comment: How insensitive can you be? He asked for this not to be shown to the public! This is absolutely disgusting!

A wave of guilt crashed over me. Shit! What have I done?

Thanks for reading!


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