"Really? ", she unbuttoned a few of the top buttons of his shirt and seperated the fabric giving him a clear view of her cleavage


Before he could say anything further she stood up started walking up the stairs to the bedroom, "I'm going to get dressed.....and don't follow me I'm not gonna be late"

He just stared at her blankly as she walked away absently stuffing more pancaked in his mouth. He looked at the stack of pancakes longingly then rolled his eyes and grabbed her half eaten bowl of fruit

**************rewrįte the ştårş**************

He couldn't help himself as he stared at her walking and laughing with the other women while walking into the gym, him on the other hand was now walking behind with Jay and Rob while they were going on about how much they aren't looking forward to the day ahead. Jay asked Mitchell a question and when he didn't respond Rob elbowed him making him groan and glare at him

"What was that for?"

"Why don't you just take a picture it'll last a whole lot longer"

He smiled and cleared his throat trying his best not to look up from the ground. They walked into the big open space on the gym building each getting handed a mat

"Good day everyone I hope you all enjoy you're couples yoga", a young woman welcomed them as they entered

Rob leaned in and whispered at Mitchell, "Wonder how many times she says that a day"

Mitchell scoffed then made his way to Tess who was motioning 'come here' with her index finger, he smiled as he approached her and pecked her on the lips


He gave her an allover, "I don't know if I can concentrate with you dressed like this"

"You are just a little horny devil aren't you?"

He groaned, "I'm only like this because of you"


"I was serious when I said nobody has ever made me feel this way Tess"

She smiled sweetly and cupped his cheek, he leaned into her touch smiling back at her

"Alright everyone", The toung woman's voice made them break apart, "....are we ready?"

After a resounding 'yes' from the room she stood aside and gestured to a tall muscular man enetring the room. All the women seemed to freeze as he entered. He was huge with muscles that seemed to rip from his tanned skin, his shorts fitted him like a second skin and his long wet hair shone with droplets of water falling on his bare shoulders.

"Good evening ladies......and gentlemen"

The men all watched him in shock as his arms flexed involuntarily, "I am Salvatore"

"Hi Salvatore", the women all chimed in together, Mitchell looked towards Tess and saw she was flexing almost unaware of the effect the large man was having on the other women, she looked up and saw him staring at her


He motioned to the man and she raised her eyebrows, "What? Him?"

"Yes him.....do you see him?"

"Yeah I have eyes Mitchell what's going on with you"

"I mean I don't want to be here with this douche"

"He just introduced himself and you just assume- Wait"


She bit her lip and tried not to chuckle, "Are you threatened by him?"

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