An Encounter With Pepper

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Tony's POV:

Me and Stephen walked for a bit longer, till it reached 3:00pm. The quiet afternoon breeze kicked in, which made the walk even more peaceful. 

Stephen and I hand in hand, we were actually having a great time. And just in that moment, I looked up at him, and his beautiful features. 

I was in love, the deepest love there ever was. 

"What?" he asked now staring down at me. I shook my head, trying 2 wave it off, like it wasn't a big deal.

"Nothing..." I started, "just really glad to have you in my life right now, you know, and how much I love you and everything."

I could see his cheeks redden, and he tossed his head to the other direction facing the woods. I couldn't help but laugh a little. But my laugh was cut off, when Stephen quickly yanked his hand away from mine, and stepped to the side a bit, away from me. 

"Hey, babe, what are you doing-" but I was cut off when he darted his eyes ahead of us, he seemed to be pointing at something, or someone.

I then shifted my gaze where there was a blurry figure of a person who seemed to be running towards us. I panicked, I didn't even know why. Maybe this was an ordinary person, who was having a late afternoon jog. 

I then focused a bit more on the person ahead. It was a woman, about five foot seven' ish, a red head. 

My face dropped, I panicked some more before looking up towards Stephen. He had an expression of confusion, and not knowing what to do. 

"-and that's how we could improve the Avengers headquarters- oh hello Mrs. Potts good to see you, me and Anthony were just discussing about the Avengers and how it could improve." Strange swooped in saving my life, my body washed in relief as Pepper stopped and wiped some sweat from her forehead. 

"O-oh, hi there Stephen, and TONY?!" she said startled, it caught me off guard and I jumped a little. 

"Hey Pepper, no surprise to see you" I fake smiled, she still looked at me in disbelief. 

"Shouldn't you be getting ready for our dinner that you've been planing for the past four months? What are you doing with the Doctor?" 

"Oh! Right the dinner! um-" I quickly glanced up at Strange and I could tell he was thinking of something to say to cover me up. 

"-right, we just had an emergency meeting to talk about me... uh..." he was running out of ideas fast, I started to think. 

Why couldn't my brain fucking think like it normally did, why was I not able to speak?!

"Joining the Avengers!" I yelled in excitement,

"leaving the Avengers" he said simultaneously.

I starred up at him in confusion and he just shrugged. I though fast.

"He's leaving, the um... pre-avengers, and um-joining the elite avengers?" I said but more in question of what I was making up.

At least Pepper bought it, she looked a little more relieved. 

"Well that doesn't answer why you are not paying attention to the big dinner date!" 

I mentally face palmed myself, then used my beautiful brain to think. But I couldn't, too many goddamn questions!

"Don't you see Mrs. Potts that Anthony is wearing a suit, he is prepared for your date" Stephen spat in anger. 

She nodded buying his lie, she then leant forward in attempt to kiss me. I freaked out and didn't know what to do. I didn't want to kiss my wife! I wanted to kiss my boyfriend. 

Without hesitation I pulled away. Then freaked out, so I held my breath and pecked her on the lips. It didn't feel right, it felt really wrong. As wrong as seeing your dad and babysitter hook up. SO wrong. 

She then smiled in content and plugged her ear-phones back in. 

"Alright I'll see you tonight!" she said as she jogged off behind us. 

I let out a huge sigh of relief when she left. I then looked back up at Stephen, and he had this big look of disgust on his face. 

I laughed, then pulled myself to his chest, sighing in content. 

"Don't worry" I let out a breath of air, "I'm not going to that date."

He pulled me away, and gave me a serious look.

"Tony, you would crush her. She said you've planned this for several months, it would devastate her if you didn't show up."

"Damn you and your niceyness!" I snapped in anger. He just smiled lightly and we continued to walk.

"Niceyness isn't a word honey, it's niceness. The quality of someone being nice-"

"Oh shut up!" I pushed him to the side, and he chuckled. 

We then continued our walk. But the only thing that came across my mind over and over again was, how could I tell Pepper that I didn't love her anymore?

Finally updated!!!!!!!!!!!!!


sorry if this chapter isn't as quality, im tired and lazy so bye.


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