I. 1985

783 36 15

YEAR: 1985

MIRA: 17 years old

One assumption of our times is that if love is true, then it must be forever.

We, as humans, love love itself and naturally equate genuine relationships with infinity, or at least for our finite loves, till death do us part.

And therefore, it seems impossible for us to accept the ending of a love story. Love should be limitless, and anything short of death is a failure.

Who's fault is it?

Probably our own.

But, nonetheless, we move forward and seek out another love story once more.

And if you aren't - you're already in a love story.

I'm a sucker for romance.

I'm not talking about my love life, because clearly I have none.

But, the love lives of others.

I listened intently as my friend, Asena, complained about her family. Asena, unlike me, is the main character of this story.

I mean, her name itself yells: I'm the main character!

Asena Jupiter.

And like any other heroine, she has her struggles. Such as her verbally abusive stepmother and sister. Asena's mother passed when she gave birth to her. Add on a blind neglectful father who's still mourning over his dead wife, and bam a tragic background. What a perfect foundation for the start of a story.

Unlike Asena who struggles in poverty, I came from a middle-class family with caring parents and an annoying older brother.

Do I sound a bit...weird?

That is because I am!

My therapist says I'm diagnosed with psychotic depression and struggle with empathy more than the typical person.

"Have your Dad responded to your letter?" I asked.

But, over the years, I've learned how to cover up the fact that I don't really give a shit. Because not giving a shit, means no friends.

"Yeah. Have he?" Gwen asked.

The stuff I said earlier is completely untrue. I'm not diagnosed with anything nor do I have a therapist. Actually, no, I self-diagnose to have low empathy and inappropriate usage of dark humor.

Gwen Imogen is like me, a side character. However, unlike me, Gwen has alot more empathy towards others. You can say, we balanced each other out.

Gwen and I met in third grade when I kicked a boy's balls for pulling my hair. Gwen stood up for me when the teacher yelled at me.

Turns out the boy I kicked had a thing for me, but who wouldn't?

I was an adorable child.

Can't say the same about teenage me.

In ninth grade, we met Asena who was bullied by the popular kids - which, as fuck up as it sounds, is led by her step-sister.

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