"It's broken

Our love


It's broken

Our love


Looking into the audience once more, people were beginning to sway to the tempo of the strings, many of them using the flashlight on their phones to commemorate the emotion she was throwing into the song. Looking to the other bandmates, they were doing the same thing, all three of them wearing a proud dad look on their faces, especially Russel, who turned his spotlight up much higher than the other people and was waving it around at twice the tempo of the song.

(Y/N) couldn't help but smile as she walked back into the corner where her guitar lay on its case, the lyrics between the strings so they don't get lost. Picking them up, she couldn't concentrate as Noodle's voice began to float into the back room as she started up the chorus once more. Closing her (E/C) eyes, she gave into the melody as Noodle finished her song with one long note and a final strum of the guitar strings. The crowd almost immediate erupted into hoots and hollers, scaring the shit out of (Y/N), causing her to almost drop her papers. Turning around, she was able to see Noodle come backstage just before she was surrounded by the other acts, asking her questions and congratulating her and just making small talk. What surprised her is instead of pushing them off like every other celebrity, she stopped and was talking to them as well, engaging in the conversations.

It took a moment, but knowing that Noodle was backstage meant that (Y/N) was next to make an appearance on stage, and it caused her stomach to sink all the way to the core of the Earth.




Everyone was clapping for Noodle, even the bartenders and waiters/waitresses, who had put down the trays they were carrying in order to clap for her. 2D was doing so as well, Murdoc not so much, but Russel was now standing on his feet, hooting and hollering for her as she quickly walked off stage, which was showman's protocol. It gave the next act or band the spare time to set up and tune their instruments in case they weren't previously.

Walking back onto the stage was the host, who how had hair sticking to his forehead from walking back and forth all night. He had to wait until the crowd calmed down until he was able to speak. 2D almost felt bad for him.

"Thank you, audience for being here tonight, and while our last act has been disqualified from winning the prize due to performing in more than one act, she is still able to perform her original act for you guys, but just not compete." Out of the side of the stage came a loud "Are you fucking kidding me?". It surprised him, but he took a breath before continuing. "Playing the guitar, welcome to the stage, everyone, (Y/N)."

(Y/N). 2D thought as be began clapping. A name that rolled off the tongue easily. As she came out, she had almost a grunge/retro style, her cropped yellow and white polo shirt was just long enough so that it showed her silver belt buckle on her high waisted stone wash jeans, and she wore white Dr. Martens. He appreciated the look.

She sat down on the stool, adjusting the microphone for the guitar and the other one for herself. Her face looked pissed, her brows furrowed in frustration as she traced her hand over her graffitied instrument before looking up to the audience and smiling softly, a pain behind it.

"So..." she began to speak. "This is my first time hearing about this stupid rule, but I suppose it makes sense." (Y/N) chuckled to herself, something heavy and delicate. "So, the song I'm singing to you guys is called Judgement, and it was written by me when I was sixteen years old, so twenty years ago. It holds a special place in my heart because my parents separated when I was around that time, and this song goes out to my dad. So..." there was a pause as she smiled, this one seeming more genuine than the last. "Fuck you, Dad."

Soft Spoken [2D x Reader Fanfiction] (DISCONTINUED)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ