Lily caught the towel and watched as he left, closing the door behind him.

She did as he said and took off the dress cautiously, careful not to tear it. Monica would probably be livid as it was by the wrinkles she had made when she sat down in it.

Wrapping a robe around herself, she picked up the dress and carried it to the rack where it was kept and hung it up. She took a moment and let the vibrant red material run through her fingers, thinking about Finn and how he was feeling about his decision, then she started to imagine what he was going to think when he saw her in it. There was no doubt that she looked like a woman, but would it make a difference, would he let it make a difference?

The door behind her opened and turned with a smile, thinking that it was Monica or Bianca returning. She was about to say that she had been extra careful, but the words died as she noted that it was Mudd and not one of the women.

"Oh, hi, I thought you were Monica, are you looking for her?" Lily asked as she tightened the belt on her robe, feeling very uneasy and unprotected.

"No, I wanted to see you," he closed the door behind him, and Lily could hear the click of the lock.

"Is there a change to the script?" she asked, doing her best to stay calm. Perhaps Mudd only wanted to talk, and he wanted to keep the conversation private, that was why he had locked the door.

"No, but I saw Mason leave, and I've seen how you've been hanging around with Finn, and I think that I should be getting my fair share," he drawled as she took a step towards her.

Lily held firm and didn't step back. "I'm not sure what you mean, your fair share, your fair share of what?" she asked doing her best to pretend she didn't know what he was referring to when he said it.

"Don't play dumb, Lily, we all know how you got this part!" He took another step towards her.

"I auditioned like everyone else; you were there!" Lily insisted, taking a step back.

"Either way, you want to keep the part, don't you?" he asked, reaching for one of her curls and tugging at it.

"I do," she agreed with a shaky voice.

"Then there are certain expectations..." he hinted as he let his finger trail down the open neck of her robe, she couldn't suppress a shudder.

"Are you saying that if I don't have sex with you, then I can't keep my part," she asked, stepping back once more, but this time she hit the counter behind her, and there was nowhere else to go.

"I would never say that," he denied as his finger fell to the belt of her robe.

"Perhaps not, but you are implying it." She reached up to push him away, but it proved to be a trigger, and he grabbed her wrists, pinning them behind her back with one of his hands while his other hand tugged at the belt of her robe.

Lily was frightened, but she also had a strong survival instinct, and it kicked in as she brought her knee up and caught him in just the right spot to make him double over in pain. His immediate reaction was to grab himself protectively, and she took the chance to dart for the door. Lily managed to get it unlocked and open before he was on her again, grabbing her hair and pulling her back into the room. Lily screamed as loud as she could before he slammed the door then spun her around.

"Enough playing Lily!" he spat as he struck her across the face so hard it spun her. She raced towards the makeup table to find something to hit or stab him with, and she felt his hand pull at her hair again as she reached wildly for anything. She ended up with a set of hot rollers, and she threw them at him, hitting him in the temple. It caused him to slow down but not to stop. When she grabbed a hairdryer and thew I wildly he ducked, and it sailed past his shoulder hitting the wall next to the door.

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