"you're now two munchkin! you're getting too old" zion joked as he lifted her into the air. she laughed while kicking her feet back in forth. edwin complaining of her being dropped was enough for zion to groan before setting her back down on his lap. he then set her on the floor in which she immediately started to play with her dolls and other toys.

edwin stood to place the cake back in the kitchen, zion following after. and as the two started to pack up some of the unneeded party items, the ringing of zion's phone had startled the two. edwin glanced at his boyfriend in worry.

"don't worry" zion mumbled taking his phone out.

"you better handle it, because i swear to god if-" he was cut off by zion pecking his forehead.

"they won't. just let me try and sway them away" he pecked edwin's lips this time. "i got this."

zion then left the room to be in private, edwin sighing as he leant up against the kitchen counter. he swears he never wanted to be a part of such a terrible group. he was only mixed in because they saved his life from some crazy man with a knife. in a way he wished they never did. because then he wouldn't have ever had emma and constantly have her put in danger. he wasn't even allowed to go to the park with her without feeling as though they will be rolled up on. thankfully it never happened; but he has gotten phone calls explaining he better be careful. he has constant anxiety and never ending fear. and he promised next time they show up he's going to explain he is done.

"simon i have a kid to worry about! and that's understandable! yes you can trust me. alright. later" zion was heard. the walls to the run-down apartment they lived in weren't the best; allowing you to hear close to everything someone says if they speak loud enough.

"what was that about? please tell me you have this settled" edwin rushed out. zion sighed with a head shake. edwin felt his heart race. he needed to leave and make sure emma was safe. "my goodness zion you were supposed to sway them off!" he shoved the taller male in the chest beginning to ramble in spanish. it was a nervous habit.

"i told you not to worry. simon just wants the two of us to do a simple run around town" zion replies.

"and who's going to watch emma? we for sure are not taking her with us."

"will you just calm down!" edwin narrowed his eyes at zion. "i'll do it myself and you stay here. that way simon gets his job done and you two aren't harmed" zion finished. it was clear that edwin was still upset. so instead of answering he simply walked away to get emma. she needed to be put down for bed. zion groaned and followed after him.

once the two were in the main room, they spotted emma fast asleep on the floor. she had a doll in one hand and a marker in the other. edwin quickly approached her and removed the items from her grip. she stirred but calmed once she was in her father's secure hold. he pushed past zion and went towards their shared one bedroom. it was larger, making the space okay for the three of them to not be cramped in. and once he was in the room, edwin placed her in the center of the queen bed careful not to wake her up.


it was going on ten o'clock when there was a loud knock on the apartment door. immediately edwin and zion jump awake in full alert. the two looked at each other with concern.

"i'll talk to him. everything will be alright" zion speaks lowly. he gets up from his spot on the edge of the bed and walks out the bedroom. the pounding on the door had gotten louder forcing zion to move quicker. when he swung the door open he had came face to face with his boss. "simon, hey. i expected you to come a little later."

simon pushed his way in the apartment, his fellow members trailing behind him.

"where's edwin?"

"i was actually going to make the run myself. he can stay here and wa-" he was stopped short by the deadly glare he had received by his boss.

"where is edwin?"

zion opened and closed his mouth like a fish out of water. but the question was answered for him when edwin came out of the bedroom. he anxiously stood beside zion with a duffel bag in his hand. simon stared at him skeptically.

"son, all you need is a gun. what's with the bag?" simon questions. edwin throws it down at his feet causing one of the other members to pick it up.

"we want out" edwin blurted. the member opened the bag to show simon many stacks of cash. "it's one hundred thousand, we can get you another hundred more by friday."

simon pulled out a stack of bills, flipping through it with an approving head nod. and the pair had a small tinge of hope that maybe they were now free. but with a swift motion simon had pulled out a black gun and pointed it towards edwin's head. zion immediately pushed edwin to the side and allowed the target to be on him.

"the only way out of this business is by dying" he threw the cash down towards the floor and cocked his pistol back. "but at least you tried."

the sudden sound of feet approaching made heads turn and see emma. she was rubbing at her eyes not understanding the situation. edwin quickly grabbed her and hugged her tight. simon was devilishly smirking and slowly put his gun down. zion saw the opportunity and quickly grabbed for his gun that was tucked in his pants. he aimed it at simon's head, causing for the other members to raise their weapons and aim it towards zion. it was one against three.

simon didn't say anything as he stepped closer to edwin and emma. he placed the little girl on the floor, making sure he was behind her. it didn't stop simon from bending down and taking a fine look at her. thankfully she wasn't a people person and only coward away from him.

"don't worry sweetie, i don't bite" simon spoke gently. and when seeing she still won't come from behind him, he nodded and stood back up. edwin started to get worried. he had no idea what was going to happen next. and with rising adrenaline, edwin grabbed the gun from zion and fired a shot. the loud bang had echoed throughout the room and a loud thud had followed.

edwin could hear frantic voices while the sound of screaming and crying came from emma. but edwin was frozen from shock. he can't believe he just shot a man. he dropped the gun to the floor, feeling arms wrap around him as he slowly slid down the wall.

"we gotta get out of here!" one of the men shouted.

"but what about the boss? we can't just leave him here!" another wondered.

"who cares!? we have to leave before the cops get here! let's go!" the final man spoke before dashing towards the front door. the other two followed closely behind, not caring about what happens after tonight.

"take emma into the room. i'll deal with him" zion's soft voice then rang through edwin's ears. the smaller nodded before scooping up their daughter with shaky hands and bringing her into the bedroom.

they're free.

please request.
i was going to make this a cliffhanger one shot but changed my mind.


𝐏𝐇𝐀𝐒𝐄𝐒 ⚣ 𝚖𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚐 𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜Where stories live. Discover now