to the east

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We held a small prayer service for those we had lost, on the island of the fairies.

The names of Grader, Henrick, Flo and Ureal were etched into the main mast of the Dochas, so that all were reminded of their honour and bravery. Their memories will forever be a part of each and every one of us. After drinking a toast to them, we welcomed Aingeal to the crew and again drank a toast.

 After drinking a toast to them, we welcomed Aingeal to the crew and again drank a toast

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The tall beautiful blonde haired woman soon proved to be a formidable ally, as she was as adept with the swords as any man or woman that I had ever met, except of course, for me.

She also became a fast friend of Frahley and the two spent many a day and even a night together. I must admit, that at first, I felt a little ignored and rejected, but it was only for a short time. My admiration and love for Frahley did not allow me to have anything but the best of thoughts and hopes for her.

 My admiration and love for Frahley did not allow me to have anything but the best of thoughts and hopes for her

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The stunning dark haired beauty turned many a man's head, in her years, but they had all been sadly dejected and those who pursued too hard often fell victim to her sword or pistol. And she has been a true and trusted friend of mine for many years.

As we set our course due east, I decided that upon reaching land, we would try to find some suitable replacements for those who have fallen. Though it is doubtful that any could fill their boots, the Dochas needed a full crew to be most effective.

Hopefully, somewhere in the distance, we will find such people.

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