Chapter 7

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It was hard only seeing Charlie at the potluck suppers. He needed a reason to go to the lighthouse. He had spoken to her as much as he could without drawing any unwanted attention. In his minds eye he could see her standing before him. He began to shake. He wanted her. He wanted to feel her skin, to see her, to hold her. His thoughts were interrupted when Gladys walk into the storeroom.

"I have Charlie's groceries ready to deliver. Would you mind running them out to her?", she asked her husband. "Jeremiah isn't due in for another day".

George cleared his throat. "Of course, dear. Let me finish up here first". He had been taking inventory.

Charlie woke up and began her normal daily routine. She wasn't sure if Dillon would show up for their picnic after the bombshell she had dropped the night before. He probably thought she was crazy. Heck, she thought she was crazy. But, she had always felt like she had a sixth sense and her gut was telling her that this was real. She was lost in thought when she heard the lightest tapping on her door. It was Gladys's husband, George. "Good morning. I brought your groceries", he said looking over his shoulder at the cart laden down with boxes and bags.

Charlie smiled at him and opened the door wider. George was a strange, quiet man. He seemed friendly enough but Charlie always had a weird vibe when she was around him. He began to bring in her supplies while she peered into those he had deposited. Charlie found it amusing that she could get so excited over groceries. Island life was so different. You didn't take things for granted. Even something as insignificant as butter was something to be thankful for.

She was lost in thought when she realized George was sitting at her table watching her intently. "Oh!", Charlie half laughed, "I am so rude. Would you like something to drink?".

George smiled and shook his head. "No thank you. I have to be getting back to the store". He stood and faced her "If you ever need anything, just let me know. I will take care of you", he told her and he left.

Charlie thought he was nice but something about him sent shivers up her spine. Just outside the door George paused. He thought about coming up with an excuse to stay. He wanted to be near her.  He reminded himself that he couldn't get careless this time. He knew he made the right choice as he passed St. Clare on the path to Charlie's cottage. George felt jealousy surge from within as he thought of him spending time with her.

St. Clare didn't hardly even acknowledge him as they passed by each other. They used to be friends and now all they did was nod their heads at each other in passing. George's family roots to the island were nearly as old as Dillon's, yet he was a nobody when it came down to it. It wasn't fair. George cleared his mind as he entered the shop. Gladys was tending to one of the locals and George needed to be alone. He went straight back to the storeroom and half attempted to count inventory. Getting Charlie off his mind was easier said than done.

He heard something fall behind him and turned his head only to see Maggie standing there. He stood motionless staring at her. In the blink of an eye, she was gone. His mind was playing tricks on him. Maggie was gone. He had wanted her too but she refused him. He hadn't wanted to kill her. It just happened. He recalled the night that Maggie fell to her death. He had been reaching for her and she backed up to the railing. Just as he grasped her arms, she jerked free and fell over the balcony. Thankfully Dillon had been sick in bed and he had been able to sneak out of the lighthouse before Dillon got out of bed. Such a waste he thought as he went back to counting stock.

Maggie watched George as he worked. She wanted to scream at him, to shake the life out of him. Her life was cut short because of him. He was also moving on. She noticed the attention he was starting to give Charlie. Why couldn't anyone else see the monster he was? She was determined to protect Charlie. She would not rest until he was no longer a threat to  Charlie or anyone else. George would pay dearly for what he did to her. She left for the lighthouse. Even in the afterlife, she still enjoyed  the ocean view that could only be appreciated from the gallery deck. From there, she could see the entire island. She could almost see eternity. She hoped that someday she would see peace. George. George was the only thing between her and peace. Yes, she would find peace and save others from her fate. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14 ⏰

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