Chapter 1. New Home. New Town.

Start bij het begin

Well it wasn't little but still. I then went to check the bathroom only to he stopped by my dad.

F/n: Son you are going to have your own bathroom including a new bedroom.

He showed me to my room.

It looked amazing

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It looked amazing.

Then I saw the TV.

You: Awesome

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You: Awesome.

Lastly he showed me my private Bathroom.

You: I think the bathroom is taken too far

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You: I think the bathroom is taken too far. I mean it is awesome but too much richness.

F/n: No need to worry because when you grow up and find your future wife you will be sharing this bathroom with her.

You: ... ... What?

M/n: Oh you will understand someday soon my dear.

You: Ok then are the things ready to be moved in.

Moving guy: Yeah they are ready Mr. L/n.

You: Ok time to move in.

Timezkip after moving in:
(Cause the moving in process is not that vital within the story.)

We finally finished moving in and everything was in it's place.

I then walked to the garage and started to continue on my car.

Let me help You. (F.e.a.r Alma x Male Reader.) Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu