Wrong delivery, who's this?

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Sam was bored. He was really bored, and the fact Aleksei was working, wasn't helping him either. He hadn't seen him since they met in the park on Monday, and by Friday, contact over the phone simply wasn't enough for Sam anymore.

He had asked Aleksei to come over in between deliveries, but according to Aleksei that wouldn't work; he would have to leave constantly.

He had been texting him throughout the evening, waiting for Aleksei to finish his shift so he could actually invite him to come over to his house. He wanted to see the boy again. No, he needed to see him again.

For the umpteenth time that evening, he grabbed his phone to text Aleksei. What if he placed an order at the end of Aleksei's shift? Aleksei would be there sooner, and Sam liked that idea. Which was the reason for him to ask Aleksei at what time his shift would end.

Sam: At what time will you be finished?

Aleksei: Around ten

Aleksei: Why? ^^

Sam: Expect an order around that time ;) <3

Aleksei: Order at 21:30 you'll be my last delivery. I'll be waiting <3

Sam smiled at his phone, probably looking like a fool. But he didn't care, there was nobody there to see him anyway. He didn't have to wait that long for Aleksei's shift to be over, and if he would be his last delivery, Aleksei would be at his place long before his parents or Jenna would come home.

He waited until around 21:30 before he actually placed an order. Well, a few minutes early because he was getting more impatient by the minute. He made sure he looked his best, and brushed his teeth, before heading downstairs to wait for Aleksei to come over with the pizza, and most of all, himself.

When he came downstairs, he checked the app to see how for on his way Aleksei was, when he noticed something off.

Aeng is on his way with your pizza.

Who the hell was Aeng? And where was Aleksei? Sam was freaking out, texting Aleksei to ask him what the hell was going on.

Sam: Aleksei, where are you? Why is Aeng bringing me a pizza?

Aleksei texted back after a few minutes.

Aleksei: Sorry I got h

Sam panicked when he got half a cryptic text that didn't even tell him what had gone wrong, and where Aleksei was. He wasn't even hungry. He already ate, and he just wanted Aleksei to bring a piece of pizza for Rex. It was cute as hell when he first did it. Besides, he wouldn't mind sharing a pizza with Aleksei.

Not Aeng. Definitely not Aeng.

This wasn't going the way he planned, at all. Within minutes, some guy named Aeng would show up with his pizza, and Sam was getting moodier by the minute.

He felt his phone buzz in his pocket while in the same time the doorbell rang. Sam opened the door with a look that could probably kill, finding an Asian looking guy with a wide smile on his face in front of it. He held up a pizza box, greeting him with a 'good' evening.

This guy ruined his date.

"Your pizza, sir."

That's when Aleksei came speeding around the corner on his bike with a beet-red sweaty face from rushing.

Sam noticed Aleksei on his bike, speeding towards his house, and he felt relief wash over him. He couldn't help but smile at Aleksei, completely ignoring Aeng in the process.

Aeng looked over his shoulder at what Sam was staring at. "Huh? Aleksei?" he asked. "What are you doing here? You saw I took this order on the app, right?"

"Yes, yes, I saw," Aleksei hastily replied, right before opening and closing his mouth. He left an awkward silence where he was supposed to offer an explanation.

Sam blindly grabbed some money and stuffed it in Aeng's hand. "Keep the change." He muttered, taking the pizza box in his own hands. Aeng needed to leave, as soon as possible.

"Thanks!" Aeng said, before walking back to his bike and turning to Aleksei. "Well, okay. You coming?"

Aleksei glanced at Sam. "No. Actually we know each other. And I'm going to stay... for a bit."

Aeng raised a brow. "Sure?" he said, though, he thankfully got on his bike and waved Aleksei and Sam goodbye as he rode off.

Aleksei waited until Aeng disappeared around the corner before all but running up to Sam. "Sorry, this customer wouldn't stop bitching about his order and I couldn't leave," he apologised with furrowed brows.

Sam smiled and pulled Aleksei inside, into his arms. With his foot, he kicked the door closed before kissing Aleksei on his lips. He pulled back to look at Aleksei, still smiling widely. "What did they bitch about? Do I need to pay them a visit?" The last part was half a joke; if Aleksei wanted him to pay them a visit, he definitely would.

Aleksei had his hands resting on Sam's back with a slight smile on his face. "No, it doesn't matter," he replied. "Don't even think about the asshole, because I don't. I'm more wondering..." Aleksei glanced past Sam into the hallway. "Are you home alone?"

Sam muttered under his breath; "As usual," before he nodded to answer Aleksei. He grabbed his hand and pulled him further into the house. "Do you want pizza? Or something to drink?"

"Thanks." Aleksei gave Sam's hand a little squeeze. "I'll just have some water. Rex can have the pizza because I've honestly seen enough pizza today." Aleksei grabbed his shirt and gave it a sniff. "I even smell like a pizza. An old sweaty one that's been in the sun all day. Sorry, I wanted to take a shower at home and change but I didn't have time."

Sam didn't exactly mind, Aleksei was perfect to him, even if he smelled like pizza. Or a sweaty one, as Aleksei had put it. But he knew how Aleksei felt. He too hated being sweaty, unless it was for good reasons.

"Do you want to take a shower? You can grab some of my clothes if you want." Sam offered politely. "I'll feed Rex in the meantime." He added, mostly since he didn't want to give Aleksei the impression he wanted to shower together.

Well, he did, but he was unsure how Aleksei thought about it, and maybe it was a bit too early for them too.

"Thanks, I'll take that offer," Aleksei said, pressing a soft kiss to Sam's lips. "And then I'll get into your clothes."

Sam felt his face heat up a bit at that comment, and he had a hard time letting Aleksei go after that kiss and those words. He smiled, but decided not to comment on what seemed to be an innuendo. "Here, let me show you the way." He just muttered, leading Aleksei upstairs and to his own bathroom.

Sam gave him a towel and some clothes he could wear. Purposefully handing him one of his own favourite hoodies because he figured it would look cute on Aleksei. Though, anything would probably look cute on him.

Sam shook of that thought, and smiled at Aleksei. "Call me when you're ready."

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