Chapter 10 - Madeline's Mistake

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‘Is that…?’ asked Madeline, indicating the small vial that Sebastian held in his grubby hand. He nodded as Madeline continued to stare at the water-like concoction, but as she did her brow furrowed, a question forming in her mind. ‘But if Mason wanted you to research this compound how come you have it and not him?’

‘Because he does not know that I have it,’ said Sebastian, a slight smile playing across his weathered lips.

‘What? How?’

‘As far as he knows the research was unsuccessful. As I began to regain a sense of who I once was the disgust and horror of what I had become and the actions I had undertaken overwhelmed me so, and when I was restored enough to start working on the compound I had resigned myself that if there were such an elixir that could rid the world of our dreaded kind I would do everything in my power to keep it out of his evil hands. If he gained possession of it he could work on a potential antidote, destroying what little shred of hope I have left in finally ending his centuries long rampage of murder and deception.’

‘Does this compound really work?’ asked Madeline, carefully taking the ornate glass container from Sebastian and inspecting its contents.

‘It does now, I have been working on its completion for many years but only recently have I managed to perfect the mixture.’

‘What do you mean?’

‘While I was working under the watchful eye of Mason I had access to all the necessary equipment, but after I was finally able to get away from him my resources very quickly evaporated. I had to rely on what little time I could snatch in laboratories and institutions.’

‘How did you manage that?’ asked Madeline, wondering how a man dressed as Sebastian could gain permitted entry into anywhere, let alone chemistry labs where there would no doubt be high security.

‘I snuck in at night or whenever the places were empty,’ he answered.

‘And you never got caught?’

‘Not once. You see, although I hated with the deepest passion what I had become I found that some of my newfound talents could be put to my advantage.’

‘How so?’

‘Where do you think I went after you found me in your room? You only looked away for a second, did you not?’

‘Yes,’ said Madeline uncertainly, wondering what Sebastian could be driving at.

‘Well, where do you think I could have gone in that second where you were not looking at me?’

‘You…turned yourself invisible?’ Madeline felt stupid just saying the words, but a more rational explanation she could not find.

‘In a manner of speaking,’ smiled Sebastian. ‘I merely made it so that you could not see me.’

‘But isn’t that the same thing?’ asked Madeline, somewhat confused.

‘Not exactly. I was there; I just blended myself in with the general background of your room, so to speak. Believe me, had your brother a dog with him when he came it would have seen me.’

‘Dogs can see you? I mean, even when you’re trying to not to be seen?’

‘Most animals, yes,’ said Sebastian, a wistful look coming across his face. ‘I learned that lesson the hard way, and trust me when I say that guard dogs bite hard.’

‘I thought you said you never got caught,’ said Madeline, still hoping that she wasn’t being taken in by an elaborate scam.

‘Oh I never did, but that does not mean that I did not find myself on occasion in a place that was patrolled by dogs. Another setback, if you will.’

Armitageजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें