Chapter 5 - Family Ties

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Chris drove Madeline back to campus, and as he pulled up outside of her building she turned to face her brother.

‘Thanks for seeing me home,’ she said.

‘It’s nothing,’ replied Chris.

‘So where are you staying?’

‘My car, I guess.’ Madeline gave her brother a look that he knew all too well; it was the look that meant she was not impressed. ‘Look, I didn’t have time to sort anything like that out before I left, I just needed to get to you.’

‘Well that’s sweet but you can’t sleep here. Come on, you can sleep on my floor.’ Madeline and Chris got out of the car and headed into her dormitory building. The presence of a man accompanying Madeline to her room was not a sight people ever saw, so when Jennifer poked her head out of her room to say hello her eyes widened visibly in surprise.

‘Oh, hi Maddie,’ she said, looking Chris up and down. ‘I didn’t know you had company.’

‘Jen, this is my brother, Chris,’ said Madeline with a smile. She knew Jennifer was hoping for a sexier explanation and she found her friend’s disappointed expression amusing.

‘Oh, right. Hi there,’ said Jennifer politely.

‘Hi,’ said Chris, feeling somewhat self conscious.

‘Chris is in town on short notice and I’m putting him up for the night,’ said Madeline, making sure Jennifer understood what was going on.

‘Okay, cool. Well I won’t disturb you. Nice to meet you Chris.’

‘Yeah, same here.’ Madeline smiled again and unlocked her door, letting Chris enter before she closed it after herself. ‘Who was that?’ asked Chris once they were alone.

‘Oh that was just Jennifer,’ said Madeline, still smiling. ‘Don’t mind her, she obviously thought I’d picked up some guy tonight.’

‘Why would she think that? Do you usually pick up guys when you go out?’

‘Chris!’ Madeline didn’t have to say anything further, her expression said it all.

‘I’m sorry,’ he said, looking at his feet. ‘I just don’t want you getting into trouble, that’s all.’

‘Well for your information I don’t go out looking to pick up guys. Jennifer’s just got a one track mind.’

‘Well what about Mike?’ asked Chris, looking up.

‘What about him?’

‘He was walking you home tonight.’


‘So how long have you known him?’

‘Well not that it’s any of your business but I met him tonight at Jack’s. But,’ said Madeline quickly before Chris had time to interrupt. ‘Nothing happened and I would think you’d prefer me not walking home alone.’

‘I do but…’

‘Look do you want to sleep in your car?’ Madeline had her arms folded and was almost ready to throw Chris out but she reminded herself that for all his blustering and insensitivity he was only looking out for her. ‘I’m sorry Chris.’

‘No I’m sorry, I shouldn’t be questioning your every move. Thanks for letting me stay tonight. The heater’s broken in my car and I wasn’t looking forward to freezing to death.’

‘It’s okay, you just better not snore.’

‘Well you’d better not talk in your sleep,’ laughed Chris.

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