well, what do ya know

Start from the beginning

"Did Billy hurt you? Did he?"

Ever since that night, even for the littlest thing, any kind of problem I had had to be about and surrounding Billy, a few of them were, but not the way they meant it.

  "He didn't. He hasn't talked to me, let alone fought me since then.", I replied while slapping and pushing their hands away from me. "Not even Tommy has been fu- messing with me since Billy stopped."

"Then what's that.", Will pointed from across the table.

You always have to be weary of the quiet ones, they notice and take note of things quicker than others.

Next thing I know, the faces of worry and anger are now ones of 'in the know', like talking about someone in a code in front of them without them knowing you're actually talking shit.

"So, Steve. No wonder you've been neglecting your children, you've been busy boy."

"I don't know how I feel about having a new step dad, Mama Steve."

"I'm gonna have to fight for your attention all over again!"

"On your shoulders, too? I'm sick of being around high schoolers who can't keep in their pants."

"...does Nancy know?", okay so Baby Byers always asking the hard questions.

  About this certain thing, no she doesn't know. Why the fuck would I tell her? The girl who thinks I'm still in love with her, which I slightly am, would for some reason know I'm having taboo gay sex with a guy, who over compensates everything thing he does, made it his mission to make my face into minced meat a few months ago.

When I was friends with Douchebag and the other one, I never had to deal with bullshit like this. It was like just a pat on the back and then I could tell all the juicy dets and be comfortable with because for one, the douche crew are all my age and doesn't make me feel like I'm being that one drunk Uncle at every family reunion telling all the kids about his nightly escapades, and two, it was with girls, not counting that one time Tommy, but it was just kissing and above the belt shit so ... it doesn't count.

  These kids  have probably never kissed a girl, or guy I'm not here to  judge, and are suddenly mature, and understanding, of the whole kissing and more with a guy of all things.

  "Okay, well, here's what, shit, fuck. Okay.", I blabber on  so close to have a full on breakdown, that a pinch my thigh as hard as I can to distract myself from it.

  "I don't. I don't know how explain this.", I said pulling my hands through my hair.

  They start doing the whole little thing they do where they all talk at the same time and confuse me.

  "Nope, I've experienced this too many times to keep dealing with it.", I said almost shouting over the voice as I banged my hands on the table.

  The chattering and confused questions stop. Thank god.

  "If we're gonna do this shit, we're gonna do it one at a time. Go."

  "Me first. My hand is up, Mike. Do you see that? Do you see my hand? You know what I see? Your hand. Your hand by your side and not up in the air. So shut it.", Dustin raddled off. "So buddy. You have a new girl. Good for you. Yeah, good for you. After Nancy pretty well fucked you over, no Mike it's true you know it, I know it, Steve knows it, hell even Nancy knows it, it's good for you to get back in the dating scene."

  "No, I don't have a "new girl". Just someone I'm seeing. It's not a big deal."

  "Steve, you sly dog you.", Lucas said giving me a slap on the back and getting glare from Max.


  "So is this just a fling or an actual going to be wife person?", Max bellowed out over the boys. I'm so proud.

  "Um, I don't know. We're just having ... fun I guess.", I replied not really looking at any of them cause, fuck, this is a weird conversation to have with a bunch of kids.

  "This is over. I'm not talking about who I play with in the night to you guys, not because your the only people I hang over and just knowing you know the fast gory details would kill me, but because you're all like five."

  "So will you tell Jonathan and Nancy since their your only friends over the age of five, asshole.", Lucas comes out to say flipping me off in the process.

  "Lucas, don't be dumb. Why would he?", said my helpful and designated favorite, little angel boy Byers.

  "Yeah, what he said. Why would I tell my ex girlfriend, someone I use to have sex with, about the person who became my Saturday nights, well most nights, but that's beside the point.", I said waving away the notion of ever telling Nancy anything around the genre.

  "And Jonathan, he's a nice guy and all, but he ultimately stole my girlfriend and is currently dicking her so...", I told them earning a gag from both Will and Mike.

  "That's enough about my sister and ... what she does in her free time. God, I had enough of that when you were dating. You guys acted like we didn't share a fucking wall.", he said leaving the room, taking El with him, who stayed church mouse during this whole event, which I'm thankful for. I couldn't of handle another brat.

I didn't really edit this so sorry for the mistakes. I wanted to put something out so bad, I've made it a goal to write more so expect more chapters in the future :)

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