Chapter one

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Casey, Casey, CASEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I jerked up not knowing what just happened, then I remembered someone was calling my name I looked up to see who it was and instantly regretted it. It was Mr.Stanley my science teacher, he looked very very annoyed. This was the 2nd time this week I fell asleep in his class. Hey you couldn't blame me science was soooooo boring and I hated Mr.Stanley. When he asked me why I fell asleep in his class again I simply answered

"Oh I don't know mabye because I was tired!"

"That's it 3 weeks detention for you missy"

"Come on seriously it was just a joke!"

"Well then remember this next time you want to make a joke in my class"

Great that was all I needed another detention slip, mom would ground me till I turned 90! At least I wouldn't have to go to my stupid ballet class for 3 weeks (yes!!). After my little lecture it was time to leave and for me to go to art my favorite subject! I entered the art class and found out I was the first one here unless everyone was out doing something and I was late just as I had finished that thought Joey came in. Joey was my best friend even though everyone made fun of us because they thought we were dating he still stayed my friend thats what I like about him he's always by my side even in the worst of times. As soon as he sat down I asked him "what took you so long I was the first one here"

"Really you got here before Emily?"

"Emily?'who's Emily?"

"You know Emily, the nerd, wears glasses, never talks to anyone."

"Oh her where is she I don't see her?" I asked scanning the room then I saw her sitting in the corner working on what looked like a notebook.

"Oh I see her."

"So did you?"

"Did I what?"

"Did you get here before Emily?"

"Oh, no of course not who gets here before the nerd?"

"Another nerd."

"Don't be such a smart Alec."

"Hey I was just being funny!"

"Well maybe you should quit being so funny and try to act serious for a change."

"Sheesh someone's grouchy today."

"Well wouldn't you be grouchy if you just got another detention slip from the same teacher for the second time this week!"

"WAIT, you got detention from Mr.Stanley again?!"

"No dur who else gives me detention all the time."

"True, but you don't have to be so mean about it."

I was about to keep arguing with him but then Ms.Engelking came in. She was wearing a bright orange dress with white flowers on it. She had her hair done in a bun and she had chopsticks in her hair. She was really nice. She always had us do fun projects and she never got mad. Today we were starting to make masks for Halloween since it was coming up in a few weeks.

Emily's POV

I saw she was looking at me, probably making fun of me or making jokes with her friend, Joey. I just continued to draw in my notebook. It was my way of distracting myself from the world. To get away from all the mean comments and rude remarks. It was like my safe haven.

I closed my notebook when Ms.Engelking came in. She was really nice and she was the only teacher I could talk to about my feelings without her going and blurting it out to the whole class asking for someone to at least try and be friends with me. She always knew what to say and how to help me not feel so bad. She told us we were starting to make masks for the Halloween party at school. Well that would be a waste of time for me since I wasn't even going. I mean I did want to go but no one had invited me and I was not going alone. I went up to her desk to ask her if I could work on something else, but she told me to at least make one for fun so I went back to my desk to start my mask design.

Friends with the Nerd **BEING EDITED**Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ