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*Haleys POV*

I walked out of the airport and felt the Cold london air hit my face.

I was worried about Leighann so i texted her.

*Text Message*

I miss you baby sis. Hope your having fun with the boys. lol. You will be here with me soon and it will be a blast. LOVE YOU! xx

*End text message*

It was still as beautiful as i remembered and i was glad to be here.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and looked down to see a text from Harry.

*Text Message*

I love you so much, my mom wants you to come by. Gemma wants to catch up, you better go, you know how she gets ;) again, i love you

*End Text Message*

I smiled and put my phone down.

It would be good to catch up with Harrys mom and Gemma. School didnt start for three days, so i had some time off.

I walked  and caught a bus to Holmes Chapel.

We passed an all too familiar bakery and i smiled.

Thats where i met Harry and thats where he worked as soon as he turned 15.

We had so many memories there.

Like when we were 13 and he told me he loved me more than his bestfriend. .


"Riley would you PLEASE hurry up?" Harry smarted off as i walked slowly behind him to the bakery

I laughed "i dont understand what the big deal is, im walking arent i?"

"Not fast enough, come one move it" he said walking behind me and pushing me.

He told me he had a surprise for me and i was kinda excited.

Harry didnt know that i was starting to actually fall for him more than my bestfriend.

I was scared though.

Scared that if we ever broke up we would never talk again.

I wouldnt want that.

Harry was the only one that has been there through everything.

"Riley, you walk like my grandmother" He said rolling his eyes.

He opened the doors to the bakery that he worked at and opened the door for me.

I pinched his cheeks and talked in a baby voice "Well isnt someone just too cute when there angry"

He grabbed my hips and pushed me into the bakery

"Well someone isnt going to be cute with icing in thier hair" he grabbed a cupcake and smashed it in my face.

"HARRRY" i squealed

"Oh i guess thats what you get for walking too slow" he said showing cupcake after cupake into my face and hair and dropping to the floor.

Then he stopped and stared into my eyes.

I almost melted because with Harry i never felt that feeling.

"Uhm, Riley theres something i gotta tell you"  He said breaking is stare

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