Chapter Four

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Heya guys here's the next chapter of the story. Really hope you like it. Leave me your feedback.

Niall's Pov:

You'd think I'd be used to it by now. You'd think I'd be used to waking up to an empty bed. Some nights I'll go to bed with him and in the morning he'll just be gone. Nothings left behind only a small note telling me he had to go, But he didn't have to. He could have said no, But he didn't. I laid in bed looking up at the ceiling, A shiver ran down my spine. It's cold without him. I used to have Zayn's warm body to cuddle with, Now I don't. My eyes scanned the room and sure enough there was a note laid out on the side table. I just stared at it for a few seconds. Honestly I didn't need to even read it, I already knew what it'd say. It'd say management called him and they wanted him either with her or her group. I sat up in bed and grabbed the note, Without even reading it I scrunched it up and threw it onto the floor. I then took hold of my phone and unlocked it. I had a few text messages. I read through them and replied to the people I wanted to reply to, I then brought up the twitter app and logged into it. I quickly typed a good morning tweet before posting it. Only seconds later my mentions were filled with fans wishing me good morning and asking for a follow. I followed as many back as I could and answered a few DM's. While scrolling through my mentions I noticed a twitter account with ziall in the name. I knew all about ziall. Sometimes when Zayn isin't around I'll go online and I'll look up ziall on youtube and I'll watch the fan videos that people make. Fan videos of the moments Zayn and I share on stage. The glances, The hugs, The smiles. Watching the videos make my insides flutter with happiness. I'd been scrolling on my phone for a good fifteen minutes before Zayn's name appeared on my screen, I answered the call straight away. 

"Hello" I said. 

"Hey Nialler. I'm sorry about this morning management called and they wouldn't take no for an answer" I rolled my eyes at Zayn's words. 

"It's fine. I got to stretch out this morning without being suffocated" Zayn laughed at my comment. "What's up anyway?" I asked. 

"Nothing really. Management want us to be pictured together on a casual date. She's trying to pick out her nicest outfit while doing her make up" Zayn replied.

"Wants to look good for the cameras I guess" I mumbled.

"Well I wish she'd hurry up, I wanna get in and out as quick as possible" Zayn said, I chuckled softly.

"When you gonna be home?" I asked.

"Not till tomorrow morning. Management are meeting in a few hours so they've told me just to stay put" Zayn replied, Of course they did, I sighed, I was about to speak but the sound of the doorbell ringing stopped me. 

"Zi someones at the door so I gotta go" I said. 

"Yeah me too. I'll see you tomorrow morning, I love you" Zayn stated, I inhaled deeply. 

"Yeah, I love you too" The call ended and I sighed deeply. You'd think I'd be used to this by now. The doorbell rang once again and I groaned before climbing out of bed, I walked out the bedroom and made my way to the door, I quickly looked through the peep hole and saw Harry stood there. 

"What took you so long?" Harry stated once I opened the door, He walked straight into the apartment.

"I was on the phone with Zayn" I informed him. 

"He down the shop or something?" He questioned, I shook my head. 

"Nope. Management called him they need more pictures so Zayn's gone to do his job" I replied, Harry shook his head.

"When's he gonna be back?" 

"Tomorrow morning at the interview" I replied, Harry rolled his eyes before wrapping his arms around me. 

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