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A/N: Before anything else, there have been a few changes in terms of age and well, the circumstance, take it to a point that the two bloodbending brothers are too old for Korra (I got nothing against age related love, but we all know Korra is definitely not gonna look past age and think, oh yeah this guy's hot and romanceable.

So i lessened a decade to the age of both Noatak and Tarrlok. Make it a little more feasible for an understanding despite being an enemy once.

I do not own TLOK I'm doing this as a pass time hobby.



It was getting dark, the skies turning orange. Korra almost done with her packing, Naga sniffs her for attention. She had it all planned out. It struck her that today was not a good day. The thought dawned on her so quickly that she may never see her parents again.

"Steady girl... I'll be gone for a while. I need to be alone." She says brushing Naga's fur. "Guard my family for me." Naga whimpered, sad that it has to let go it's owner. It knows what she's going to do.

Korra stood up from Naga and said her goodbyes. When she went on the little boat that had a little tent, she bended the air forward. The fear held her like a python. Harder than anything she ever faced before. The avatar was not needed. Nor was the avatar able to quiet the nightmares waking her up every night. Guilt panged like a snare.

The boat swiftly moved on the ocean. She didn't dare look back for she knew she'll forget everything and come back to her family. Slowly, but surely, she thinks. Wave after wave and after a while, she looked back to see the mist engulfing the view of her home. The night was wary of any light and it let her focus up front than behind.

Then a gust of wind shook her sail. The wind will take her to the wrong direction. Getting the map from her pack, she lay it flat beneath her. Too late. The wind took the storm right above her.

"How?!" she cursed under her breath. Why was the storm already here? The wind shook her boat; waves getting out of control. If she continued bending, she would topple over and may drown. She shifted her hands immediately and water bent to the nearest isle she could see.

The lightning struck true on her tent. 'Why do I feel like am i the unluckiest person in the world right now?' she thought as she withdrew to bending the water for protection. She needed to be in the avatar state. Alas, when she couldn't focus out of fear, a manifestation of her avatar spirit instilled a paralyzing gaze. It was like her fear manifested into a state of uncontrollable raw power. A desperate spirit in destroying everything.

Unable to move, she wanted to succumb to the threat and be gone with it. She tried moving. Her arm wasn't listening. 'I'm gonna die'


Birds chirped. It was Nature's call. A man in his late 20's walked past a tree hoping to find breakfast by hunting. He breathed slowly, pulled an arrow as he readied his stance. He crept up to his target with grace and shot it without hesitation.


He carried the dead animal on his shoulder whilst collecting traps. It was a peaceful morn the air felt clear, and not at all what will surprise him days after. The grassy plains welcomed his step, overlooking the town. With a tired huff, he then walked down the path to his home.

It was a humble hut, his abode. Not the stone finishes of republic city and certainly not ice like in the north. Their plot of land was secluded from the village which gave it a reason not to be visited as much. Kiyoshi Island was a very good place to hide.

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