Ch. 3

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Pepper finished putting up Morgan's hair. Today was her first day of school, and Morgan had decided to wear a dress.

 Today was her first day of school, and Morgan had decided to wear a dress

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"Are you excited?" Pepper asked as she drove Morgan to school.

"Yeah." Morgan said, looking out the window.

Morgan got to school and gave her mom a kiss goodbye. She walked up to her class and sat in her desk, waiting for the day to start.

When the bell rang, the teacher walked up to the front of the classroom.

"Good morning everybody. My name is Miss Evans and I will be your teacher this school year. I want everyone to say something fun they did this summer in their table groups."

Morgan turned to her table group. There were four people total. Her, two other girls who looked like twins, and a boy.

"This summer, I got to go fishing with my dad and grandpa a bunch. We caught so many fish!" The boy said.

"We went to Texas to visit my dad's family. We even got to see where he grew up!" One of the twins said, the other nodding along.

The children turned to Morgan. "Um, I had a birthday party." Morgan said.

"Cool! Was your family there?" The boy asked.

"Yup! My mom, dad, lots of uncles, aunts, and my brother!" Morgan said happily. (The aunts and uncles are the Avengers that were present and Peter is her brother, that's how she thinks of them all)

The day started. Morgan eventually learned that the boys name was Logan and the twins names were Ruby and Lily.

When it was time for recess, Morgan played with Ruby and Lily. They played 'the floor is lava' and were running around on the player, careful not to touch the ground.

"How are you so good at this?" Lily asked Morgan.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"You can climb on everything and don't fall. You're like a superhero!"

Morgan giggled. "My dad taught me. We play games like this all the time."

"Lucky. Our dad only plays board games with us." Ruby said. The girls continued playing their game.


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