Chapter 5

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The next morning, I had a horrible headache.

I slowly sat up, clutching my head. I remember drinking a lot because Lisa kept making me take shots with her. 

I walked to my kitchen to get a glass of water and walked back to my room. I tripped over something and looked down, seeing the book Lisa gave me. I picked it up and went back to my bed to read it. 

I opened the first page and immediately saw a very graphic drawing of two people on the cover. My face turned red as I skimmed through it, and realized what she meant by "help".

I closed it and shook my head. I'm definitely returning this to her.

My headache went away after drinking water and I got ready to see if Captain Hirako wanted me on a mission today.

As I walked to Squad 5's barracks, Mashiro waved at me from afar. She jogged up to me.

"Did you make your move on him?" She asked, a bit loud.

I looked around to make sure Kaien wasn't in earshot.

"No. I'm not doing it," I said. 

"But why not?" She asked.

"Because if he ends up not feeling the same, it may ruin our friendship," I said.

"Then you need to grab his attention somehow. I can plan another night out, and that way you can try then,"

I immediately shook my head at that. "No, I'm fine. I can only hope he feels the same about me and makes the first move,"

Mashiro shook her head. "That won't work. You need to grab his attention. I gotta go, but I'll help you soon."

She waved and rushed off. I made it to the barracks and I already saw Shinji and Hiyori at each other's throats. Shinji immediately stopped once he saw me shoved her to the ground. He cleared his throat. 

I smiled a bit, trying to suppress a laugh. "Did you want me to do anything today?" 

Shinji nodded. "Yes, I need you to deliver paperwork to Captain Kyoraku," 

He handed me a stack of papers and I picked them up off the desk. "Oh, when you get back, there is one mission I do want to send you on," Shinji added.

I nodded and left with the paperwork. If I remember correctly, Lisa was the lieutenant of Captain Kyoraku so I'd get to see her.

I walked to the captain's barracks with the paperwork in hand, secretly hoping I would see Kaien. I looked down at the papers, lost in my thoughts. What Mashiro said was bothering me. How he has other girls drooling over him.

But I couldn't afford to lose my friendship with him if I were to tell him how I feel.

We've been friends for a few months and yet it feels like I've known him forever. I didn't want to lose that. 

I walked inside a building and was confused when I saw a purple-haired woman instead of Captain Kyoraku. I looked around with confusion and the woman looked up at me from her desk.

"You're in the wrong barracks, aren't you?"

I nodded with embarrassment.

I recognized her as Yoruichi Shihoin. She was from one of the noble clans, which was the Shihoin clan, and was the Squad Two captain. How could I have been so stupid to not realize I went in the wrong direction? And in the complete opposite direction?

"I'm so sorry Captain Shihoin," I bowed. "I was looking for the Squad Eight barracks. I wasn't paying attention and I-"

Captain Shihoin cut me off, with a small smile. "Don't be so formal with me. Just call me 'Yoruichi' and it's not a big deal, it happens. What's your name?"

"It's Naomi," I replied. "And are you sure that's okay? I was taught I have to address you as Captain Shihoin, and it feels a bit disrespectful,"

She rolled her eyes. "Yes, it's okay Naomi. I'm telling you myself. If anyone tries telling you differently, I'll set them straight,"

"Um, alright, Yoruichi," I said a bit awkwardly. "Which way do I go for Squad Eight?"

She stood up from her desk and motioned for me to follow her. I couldn't help but be mesmerized by her. She was so beautiful and was completely different from the other nobles. She was really nice too.

She pointed out to me which way to go and I thanked her, then quickly left in the right direction this time. 

I finally arrived and was greeted by Lisa, who was just sitting on the desk reading a book. 

"Oh, hey Naomi," She waved, not looking up from her book. "Did my book help you?"

My cheeks flushed and the captain rose an eyebrow at my reaction and looked at her.

"I think I'll be okay without it. I was going to return it to you later," I replied and put the paperwork on the desk.

Captain Kyoraku laughed when he realized what Lisa did. "You just made a new friend, don't scare this one off Lisa," 

"Hey, I was just trying to help," Lisa replied.

He smiled politely at me. "You're the new member of Squad Five, aren't you? Naomi Saito?"

I nodded and he took the paperwork from my hands. "Thank you, I'll take care of it from here. I bet Shinji skimped out on the work, didn't he?"

"Most likely. He really hates paperwork," I replied.

He chuckled. "Yeah, I figured. Thank you."

He took a pen out from his desk drawer and started reading through it. Lisa looked up at me. "Mashiro told me she wants to plan a get together so we can get you to confess to Kaien,"

I blushed again at how she just ratted me out to Captain Kyoraku. He didn't seem to care, to my relief. 

"Uh...alright," I said. "When is this happening?"

"We'll figure that out and get back to you later. I'll let you get back to work."

I waved at her as I left and rushed back to my squad's barracks since I remembered that Captain Hirako wanted to send me on a mission. 

When I walked inside, he was arguing with Hiyori once again.

"You're such a dumbass, I swear!" She stood on the desk to appear taller than him and got in his face.

"Yeah? Well-!" He was about to retort until he saw me standing in front of the desk. He quickly cleared his throat and shoved her out of the way. "Oh, you're back. How was it?"

I smiled with amusement at how he tried to play that off. "It was fine. He said he would take care of it from there,"

He nodded. "Alright,-"

He was interrupted by Hiyori hitting him with her sandal. She was fast.

"Damnit, Hiyori," He rubbed his face, keeping his cool. "You couldn't wait?"

"No," She scoffed. "That one was deserved."

"Well, you're dismissed for the day," He said, ignoring her.

"Didn't you have a mission for me?" 

"Oh, right! I forgot about that," He said, then started explaining what it was to me. "There's another Hollow terrorizing the Rukon District. I'm going to assign Hikaru to go with you instead of Sosuke because of what happened last time,"

Hikaru was one of our squad members who was assigned at the same time I was.

"Be safe, alright?" He said as I turned to leave.

"I will, Captain."


Sorry again for the wait. I should hopefully have another chapter out tonight. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2022 ⏰

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